Chapter 21

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Sorry for the wait! It's been a rough week! With my aunts 1 year death anniversary, and then school work pilling on top and having no motivation to do it or even wrap my head around what I'm suppose to do, it's been hard. I only have a week left of classes though, so I guess that's a plus.... Even though I am failing my English class-


I've made a few changes to the last chapter, nearing the end. The interaction between the man and Sofia, you may want to go back and read that before continuing with this chapter.




"So, you told them we were going somewhere in France?"

Sofia nodded. "It was the first place I thought of." She answered.

The group that was sent after Chris were now at home.

Georgia and Chris were upstairs in Georgia's room, despite Lance not wanting them to be alone.

The others stood or sat in the living room. Talking about what had happened.

"Narti and Zethrid were there." Pidge spoke up, her arms crossed. "Somehow, a stomp on the face from Sofia was enough to knock Zethrid out."

Sofia rubbed the back of her neck as Lance looked at the girl with a surprised look.

"Sofia, the man back at the airport, did he say anything we should know?" Krolia asked. "Anything important?"

Sofia bit her lip.

"Why don't you join us like your girlfriend did?"

"If you don't join, the girl dies."

"No, nothing else." Sofia answered.

Eren eyed his sister, knowing she was lying.

Liam nudged his brother with a knowing look. They both knew something was up.

"Okay." Lance said, rubbing his temples.

"Wait, Sofia." Keith spoke turning to his daughter.

Sofia tensed up.

"I know something's up." He questioned. "What's wrong?"

The girl gulped. What the hell was she going to say?

"Juno joined them." Sofia answered. "She works for Lotor now. But I don't understand. Why would she join them?"

Keith and Lance shared a knowing look.

"Jessica. The things she said were true then."

Sofia turned around to see Georgia standing behind her with her arms crossed. Chris stood next to her.

"What?" Sofia asked, her eyebrows furrowed. "What things?"

Lance sighed. "Sofia, we may know why Juno joined them."

"We also may know the reason why she kissed Jessica." Georgia grumbled.

Sofia was confused. "What?" She asked, spinning in a circle slowly, looking at everyone. "What's the reason!? Tell me!"

"Her dad." Georgia spoke. "If Juno was do as told by Lotor and the twins, she was going to be able to see her dad again."

. . . . . . .

"I don't know what to do Zara!" Sofia exclaimed as she sat at the park with the girl. "I am upset with her for not telling me, but I don't want her to die."

Her Bad Lovergirl (Sequel to My Bad Loverboy)Where stories live. Discover now