Chapter 29

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I want a Kaltenecker.



"Hey." Romelle gave them a closed eyed smile with her head tilted to the side.

"We haven't seen you two since the wedding." Keith said.

Georgia stared at Romelle and Allura for a moment, trying to dig through her memories at the familiar names. Liam and Eren stood to the side, confused on who the two females were.

"I got it!" Georgia shouted. "I remember you!"

"I was waiting for that reaction." Romelle giggled. "You've grown so big, Peach."

Georgia shot forward, arms wrapping around Romelle.

"We weren't gone for that long have we?" Allura asked, looking around the room. "Last time I checked, the two of you only had two kids."

"Well it has been fourteen years."

Romelle's smile dropped at the sight of Sofia who lied in the hospital bed. She walked forward, caressing the girls cheek. "He did this, didn't he?"

When nobody said anything, Romelle let out a sigh. "I should've faced my fears. And for that, I'm sorry."

"Who are these people?" Liam whispered to Georgia.

"Oh my! Are these the boys!?" Allura asked, excited as she turned to the twins.

"Allura, Romelle, meet Eren and Liam. Boys, these two are old friends of ours." Lance said.

The boys tilted their heads to the side.

"Sorry for not being here." Allura sighed. "We heard the news back in England. But we just didn't have the guts to return, but when Lance called and explained what had happened to everyone, especially the kids, we knew what we had to do."

"I just wish there was something I could do to stop him." Romelle said, staring down at Sofia, regret in her eyes. "I'm his sister for crying out loud, I should have been able to stop him."

"Romelle, don't blame yourself. You tried so many times, but he was just to far gone." Keith told her.

"Okay, I feel like I'm missing a major part in life." Liam spoke up.


Lance stood in front of the hospital window in Sofia's room, his arms crossed as he watched rain fall from the sky, thunder roaring.

Sofia hated thunderstorms. She's always been terrified of them, not knowing what could follow after scared her. Was the storm going to end and make a rainbow appear? Or was the storm going to grow stronger and stronger, eventually producing a tornado?

He glanced back at his daughter, who's heart monitor would speed up every time there was a clap of thunder.

The father let out a hiss as something or someone hit him upside the house.

"Why didn't you tell me!?"

Lance winced and turned to face his soulmate who had his arms crossed.


"Shiro, Adam and the boys went looking for you! Shiro even went as far as going to the house!" Keith spoke. "That was a major risk! We were all worried, Lance. A small text would've done."

"I'm sorry." Lance mumbled. "I went to go and see if I could find anything that could lead me to Lotor. But I couldn't, so I called Allura and Romelle."

Her Bad Lovergirl (Sequel to My Bad Loverboy)Where stories live. Discover now