Chapter 14

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Sofia squirmed in her seat as the water began to touch her knees. It's not that she couldn't swim, but she was tied down to the chair.

"Please. Please. Please." She whispered, tears filling her eyes as she struggled to get out of the chair.

The water was filling the room quicker than expected. And what was worse, was the torture tools that Alice and Jared used on her, began to float, moving towards her.

She breathed heavily, terrified for her life. She hoped that Liam reached her parents in time. She hoped they would find her. But most of all, she hoped she wouldn't die yet.

The water reached her neck, and a knife slashed her cheek. Sofia hissed, her cheek stinging.

After her struggling, she finally got out of the ropes. She took a deep breath as the water went over her head. Sofia looked around, looking for an escape. Needing air, she swam to the top.

It wouldn't be much longer until the whole room would be filled with water. There was no way to escape the room.

Sofia let out a scream as something pierced her leg. She looked down where a knife was plunged in her thigh. Blood seeped into the water, turning it red.

'I'm so doomed.' She thought to herself. Then she remembered.

Juno lied to me. She said she would protect me. She promised.

Something else scratched her arm, cutting her sleeve and her arm. She took in another breath and tried to stay above the water but it was no use. The water filled the room from bottom to top.

Her vision grew blurry, and she began to get sleepy.

She broke her promise. She did the opposite of what she said she would.

And with that last thought, the girl passed out.

. . . . .

Keith's leg shook as he sat in a chair next to Sofia's hospital bed.

When they had found Sofia, it was Keith's worst nightmare. His daughter was passed out with a knife stabbed into her leg, the blood red water. She was bleeding out. Shiro was the one who acted quickly, pulling Keith and Lance out of their shaken state.

"Why did you run off?" Lance asked, breaking the silence in the room.

While the others were looking around the place, Keith took off, going to find Sofia.

"You know the exact reason why." Keith replied, not looking over at Lance.

"It was dangerous." Lance looked over at Keith. "Lotor still could've been in the building! Or the twins!"

"My daughter was drowning!" Keith snapped, finally looking over at Lance. "Her safety comes first. And as a PARENT, a POLICE OFFICER, you should've known that!"

Lance ran a hand down his face. "I shouldn't have let you come. You should've stayed with Pidge and the others. Because if you stayed home, you-"

"Wouldn't be in the way. Right?" Keith scoffed and looked away from Lance.

"Keith, you know that's not what I-"

"Just stop." Keith said, shaking his head.


"I said shut up!" Keith exclaimed, his voice cracking. "Just shut the hell up! I'm done, Lance. Look what happened. Sofia is lying in a damn hospital bed because of me. Our children, are in danger, because of me."

"Keith." Lance walked closer to the male, getting down on his knee's as he gripped Keith's hands. "We'll figure this out. We defeated him once, we can do it again. But this time, he won't make it to jail."

"And how long will that take?" Keith whispered, his thumb rubbing against Lance's hand. "Months, years? I didn't want the kids to have to go through the same thing we had to go through 16 years ago. But here we are, Lotor's back. And the kids are going through exactly what we had to go through, but worse. He's not only targeting me, but them too."

Lance sighed. "I hate to do this, considering they're getting older. But, I think it's time to bring in the reinforcements."

. . . . . .

"Why didn't you tell me he returned as soon as you found out?" Krolia scolded her son.

"Because your getting old." Keith said bluntly.

Krolia sighed. "What's the plan?"

"We need to get away." Lance spoke. "Go somewhere he wouldn't expect us to go. We need somewhere we can lay low for a bit."

A gasp came from Sofia as she shot out of the hospital bed. "She promised me!"

"Sof, hey calm down." Keith soothed, running a hand through her hair.

"She promised me." Sofia cried, leaning into Keith. "She promised she was going to protect me. Why did she lie?"

Keith and Lance shared a look while Krolia and Kolivan looked confused.

"I hate her." Sofia whispered. "I hate her!"

"It's okay." Keith said.

"Wait, where am I? How'd did you find me?" Sofia asked.

"You're in the hospital. Liam escaped and got to us in time. He told us where you were." Lance answered.

The girl shifted but let out a groan of pain.

"Easy Sofia. You have stitches in your thigh." Keith told her.

"Did you get him?" Sofia questioned.

Nobody answered, Sofia took as a 'No'.

"Now what?"


"We go to Australia." Shiro spoke.

Shiro, Matt, Adam, Lance, Keith, Kora, Alec, Krolia, Shay, Hunk, Hailey, Pidge, Ryan, Veronica and Kolivan stood around the dining room table.

It was sometime in the evening, and they were planning things out.

"He won't expect us to go there." Adam said. "We go there and we stay low."

"When should we leave?" Kora asked, Alec rubbing her back.

"We need to leave as soon as possible." Matt said. "The longer we stay, the more Lotor figures out our plans."

"Tomorrow." Lance spoke, crossing his arms. "Pidge, are there any flights available sometime tomorrow?"

Pidge tapped away on her computer, bringing up the flights. "Hm, There's one late in the evening. 11 pm."

"That gives us enough time to pack."

"What about our jobs?" Hailey asked. "What do we do about those?"

"I'll handle that." Ryan smiled.

"Get some rest." Shiro instructed. "We'll talk about the rest of this in the morning."

. . . .

Keith grabbed his bag off the floor and looked at Lance who was fast asleep in their shared bed.

Keith leaned down and kissed his soulmates forehead. His lips lingering before he moved. He placed a note on the bedside table before leaving the room.

He walked into Georgia's room, pulling the blanket up to her shoulders, smiling softly as she let out a groan and shifted.

He then placed a note on her desk. He did this with all the kids before leaving the house.

Keith turned around, facing the house once more.

"I'm sorry."

Her Bad Lovergirl (Sequel to My Bad Loverboy)Where stories live. Discover now