Chapter 26

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Italic's is in a video or phone call!



"It was a bad idea, Abuela. I shouldn't have decided to have communication with you." Sofia said through the phone. "Because now, thanks to me, Georgia and Aunt K are here."

"Sofia don't say that." Rosa spoke. "Everything's going to be okay."

"No it's not." Sofia chuckled slightly, wiping the tears from her face. "At this very moment, all hell has broke loose. Abuela, Grandma K, I need a favor."

"What is it Sofia?"

"Be prepared. What's going to happen next.. It's going to break your heart. Send my love to everyone, especially Hunter. Make sure Aunt Kora and Georgia get home. Make sure everyone moves on."

"Sofia, what are you talking about?" Krolia asked, standing behind Rosa.

"It's going to be okay." Sofia's lip trembled. "What's going to happen next, it'll change everything."


"Tell them, be ready for war. Get Hunter somewhere safe. But most importantly.... Make sure Juno stays alive."

. . . . .

Sofia stood back at Lotor's hideout, head down as everyone circled around her, Georgia and Kora.

"You know, this, this wasn't what, who, I expected, if I'm being honest." Lotor spoke. "I expected it to be Keith to show up, or even that Lance. But the older sister and Pete's daughter? This is a surprise."

Sofia looked over at Juno. Her eyes had fear in them, something Sofia hasn't seen before.

But she wasn't scared of Lotor, Pete or what could happen to Kora and Georgia. She was scared for what was going to happen to Sofia.

"The brats got a bluetooth in her ear." Pete said from beside Lotor. "Narti over there has caught her speaking to someone, telling them of your plans. Surely you expected something like this?"

"Of course I did." Lotor crossed his arms. "But I am a little surprised nothing has happened sooner. And that nobody try to stop us from breaking the two of you out. Is it because Sofia was trying to protect herself, her family? Or is there more to the story?"

The male walked forward, his fingers moved so they were under Sofia's chin.

"Get your hands off my sister you son of a bitch." Georgia hissed, struggled to get out of the rope she had wrapped around her wrists. "I'll fucking kill you."

"Oh my." Lotor smirked, glancing over at the older sister. "Do your parents know of your potty mouth?"

Georgia didn't reply, but instead, she glared daggers at the male.

Juno took a step forward, her fists clenched, ready to step in, but a hand grabbed her shoulder.

"Juno, don't." Lloyd whispered. "I don't know what that girl is to you, but there isn't anything you can do."

Lotor's thumb brushed across Sofia's cheek.

"You know, I never expected a pedophile to go after my own mother." Sofia spat.

"You see, Sofia, Georgia." Lotor said, his smirk growing with every word. "This time around, Keith isn't my target."

Georgia stopped struggling. If it wasn't him, then who..?

"Pete, did you take the Bluetooth out of her ear?" Lotor questioned.

Pete grinned and held up Sofia's phone and Bluetooth. "Sure did."

Her Bad Lovergirl (Sequel to My Bad Loverboy)Where stories live. Discover now