Diary Of A Tour Girl

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Flora p.o.v

"Flo, are you sure you'll be alright on your own? You don't have to go!" Fusses my mum, drawing her little black Ford Fiesta to a halt as we reach our destination. 

"Mum have you gone insane? Of course I want to go!" I laugh zipping up my green parka, somehow assuming this will signify my eagerness. 

"Well.. Okay, Make sure you call me every day And Skype me when you can!" She says getting out of the car and rushing around to the boot with me, pulling out my large suitcase as if I can't do it myself.

The morning air is still riddled with frost and makes me shiver as I release my hands from my pockets and clasp the handle of my suitcase, looking at my mum where she's still rambling on, I quietly wait for her to finish, almost feeling a little melancholy myself. I know I'll miss her, I'm going away for nearly two months, by far the longest I've ever been away from home for.

"Uncle Rob says he'll have his eye on you back at HQ, he's got people" My mum says sternly but I roll my eyes and she pulls me into a last minute hug. My mum looks alot sadder than I was expecting she would be to get rid of me.

"You'll get paid every week! Have fun! Don't loose your passport! Don't get lost....." Her voice fades out and I wave as I walk into the midst of people rushing around trailing suitcases, huge security men, sleek black people carriers pulling up left right and centre, I knew One Direction's team was big.. but seeing them all in person makes me realise.

It feels pretty damn cool though, cool to be one of the puzzle pieces that helps One Direction get where they need to be when they need to be there. 

I drag my suitcase behind me, trying to control how much I'm shivering in the November air before I have to talk to anyone.

I see a guy of about 40 with shortish black/grey hair and approach him, of course I know who this is, any Directioner would know anyway but uncle Rob specifically told me to find him. I stand by patiently as he directs two people carrying stage equipment.  

I find myself distracted, watching two ridiculously massive security men loads suitcases expertly into the back of a mini-van when I hear a voice. 

"You must be Rob's niece.. Flora? Our new runner?" He says, I whip round nervously. 

"Yeah.. that's me!" I say with a grin. 

"Brilliant, I hope you feel really welcome working with us, have you got your passport?" He asks.

I check my pocket suddenly panicking but pull it out greatfully a few seconds later as I nod.

"Great.. you'll be travelling to the airport with Lux,Lou,Tom,Caroline and Chris.. is that okay?" He asks. 

"Yeah, great thank you" I say although I'm really nervous, I've never met them before.. obviously I've seen pictures and know who they are but that's not the same. 

"Just give your suitcase to a member of security and we'll let you know when we're ready" He says, giving me a brief nod as he walks off.

I suddenly realise just how lonely I am.. I know no-one. The something catches my eye. A car black taxi pulls out and out climbs a boy, with pale skin and Rosy cheeks, blonde quiff perfectly upon his head holding hands tightly with a girl almost identical to him in complexion, eye and hair colour. That would be his girl-friend Paige. 

I sigh, they're such a perfect couple, it feels so odd to see them in the flesh after all the gifs and pictures I see everywhere.

Then out of the same car emerges another boy with a perfectly constructed quiff, especially for this time of morning. His deep chocolate eyes quickly skim over the scene, probably one he's seen so many - a - time, I look down blushing, to avoid eye contact. After him comes a girl with dark blonde hair and a perfectly side swept fringe, a sprinkle of freckles over her nose and cheeks, he takes her waist instantly as people collect their suitcases from the back. That would be Ellie. 

Seems so odd that I know their names, I feel like a right stalker. In the next Taxi comes Liam and his completely stunning girlfriend; Bobby, she's got huge blue eyes and deep red hair, then Louis and Leah, their hair a similar colour but her eyes almost matching Zayn's in their soft brown colour. 

I think it's so sweet that all their girlfriends are coming on tour this time.. Because I mean, they must miss them alot inbetween times. 

Then finally, the last taxi pulls up, and out climbs a perfectly dishevelled Harry Styles, beanie askew ontop of his curls, checked shirt all creased and buttoned up 3 from the top, I frown why am I studying him so carefully? I probably seem so weird. 

I remember why Harry's on his own, he was dating a gorgeous girl called Isla.. a Burberry model, until they had a messy break-up less than a month ago, it will probably suck for him to be around 4 blissfully happy couples, but whatever, I'm not here to judge, I'm hear to do whatever the fuck they tell me to. 

I pretend not to be looking, as I spot him greeting the other boys in my peripheral vision, then I can't resist watching the incredibly attractive party as they board the people carrier, then just as I think I'm out of the water Harry turns around, and catches my gaze, it's like im locked there as he tilts his head to the side, studying me as I gawp, he grins at me and then climbs in. 

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