A Destiny to Fulfil

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"Okay Princess, what's going on? you are wearing yellow and that's not something we see everyday" Sapphire said as she sat down next to the princess known as Hecate Gorgon as she was having her meal, they were in an enormous dining room with forty servants, twenty on each side.

"I decided to give other colors a try" Princess Hecate replied playing with her fork, looking so absent minded.

"What's going on?" The orange haired girl questioned noticing the worry on her friend's face.
"Does this have to do with the return of your loving papa t..." she couldn't finish her statement as one of the senior maids cleared her throat just for her to respect the devil King's name.
"Oh forgive me aunt Agatha, you know I get carried away sometimes" she said with a broad smile "please don't tell the devil king"

"I won't tell Sapphire, but just know that the princess will need to rest, she has a long and fearful journey ahead of her" Old maiden Agatha replied then gave a short bow and left the room.

"I'm leaving soon, to the land of the humans" Princess Hecate replied standing up to her feet.

"I just knew it, I knew the devil king arrival will just be bad news" Sapphire replied accompanying her to the door "but I know you are ready for that, right?"

"Yes I'm ready in fact I am more than ready, I have been preparing for this all my life, but...."

"No buts Hecate, stop worrying, they should be the one to worry, so any farewell party before leaving?..."

"No sapphire, no party" Hecate said as she halted in front of the devil king door. "I leave at midnight, take good care of yourself friend, it's time to fulfill my destiny" she finished giving her a long hug then gave a short knock and entered her father's room.

"How are you feeling now father? I heard you have a serious internal injury from your last battle with the Voids kingdom"

"I'm feeling better my child, but I'm sure you didn't come to ask for my health" the devil king said as he rose up from his bed on his way to his study room.
"But just know everything you are about to do is for the sake of our kingdom"

"But what if the boy doesn't want to comply?" She asked

"Then you make him comply my dear, that's for you to handle" the devil king said bringing some magical tools out, the ones he brought form his last journey.
"And when we finally possess it then you could fulfill your dream"

"My dream of being a great demon" she replied as she could already imagine the great powers she will posses after all this.

"These are the things you might need when traveling, take good care of them , they are precious and priceless" he said then the tools he gave her disappeared entering into her internal storage space.

"Don't get too attached to humans, they are deceitful" he gave his final advice suffocating her with a long hug.

"I won't betray your trust father, take care." Hecate finished then left his room, leaving him lonely ones again. She didn't know what to expect from this journey or what it will lead to, but she had to go, faraway from everyone to an unknown place, earth? Well,  everyone have heard of that but not all have gone there. After many years of wait, now it's time to complete her mission. A devil's mission.

Uffff hope you liked it❤️
I know it's short but this is just the beginning, a big thank you to all of you reading this book, kindly support me by voting and commenting if you have something to add or any point of view.
Thanks and welcome to my world❤️

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