Trusting a demon

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They both walked down the road to Alex house without uttering a word and as expected he maintained his distance. It was already four in the morning, he didn't know time will pass this fast when he checked the time and damn twenty missed call from his mum! He knew he was going to be a dead meat ones he arrives home.

Ulanni had already changed her appearance and looked more like a girl of her age. She appeared to be wearing a lovely red gown and changed the color of her hair from bright red to a darker shade, she preferred it that way.

When he noticed his house Alex increased his footsteps then turned to check if she was catching up but saw her wiping her nose, Alex could swear he saw blood dripping from her nose, but decided to ignore it.
When they finally reached he stopped her from opening the door.

"Wait here, I'll enter first" he said not caring wether she heard it or not but before he could move any longer she dragged him back with force harshly dragging his collar down to her face.

"Do not play games with me human boy, I hate playing nice for too long" she threatened then release him.

"Why the hell did you that?" He asked arranging his rumpled shirt.
"I've already agreed to bring you here so I can't just back out at my door steps"

"That was just a warning"

"I do not care and just so you know you are my long lost friend and you moved to California seven years ago, understood?" He commanded but got no response.
"I guess yes then and please for Jesus sake or will I say demon sake stop calling me human boy that will raise suspicions"

He opened his door slowly trying not to make any noise hoping his mum slept off and she's not waiting for him in the sitting room for her mad son to return back home and oh there she is. She waited.

"Where have you been? I've been worried sick,why didn't you bring your phone I called you like a hundred time" Mrs Smith said as she brought him into her arms and hugged him tightly then stopped when she noticed a slim figure entering the house.

"And you are..." she asked freeing herself from Alex grasp

"I fucking told you to wait outside" he muttered scratching his hair in frustration.

"Mum please meet my friend Ulanni, she's an old friend of mine which I never told you about emmm she traveled with her parents to California seven years ago and now she's back to stay for a while" he summarized hoping she will be gullible enough to believe it.

"Nice to meet you dear, but is it not too early for this, why are you here by this time dear? Any problem?" Mrs Smith asked so Alex immediately wanted to reply but Ulanni was ahead of him

"My parents got into a terrible fight so I had to come down here and allow things to settle down, it was slowly affecting my studies, I hope you understand"

"I'm so sorry my dear, it must have been hard for you to cope" Mrs Smith said as she brought a cup of water for her to drink

"Mum can she please stay here for the main time before she goes back to California" Alex finally asked not sure of what she would say.

"Yes she can! You can stay as long as you want my dear this house is big enough for the three of us" she answered hugging Ulanni gently and that shook the both of them.

"Thanks human mum" Ulanni replied following Alex at the back

"Please take her to the new room and please you can call me Samantha or just mum" Mrs Smith said not sure she heard human mum clearly

"Human mum is preferable but thanks anyway" Ulanni replied and she couldn't help but notice the way Alex banged his head on the wall.

"But wait a minute" Mrs Smith asked making Alex heart beat at a faster rate.
"Where are your luggages?" She asked as she noticed Ulanni brought nothing but a little hand bag.

"Oh I left them nearby I wasn't really sure you will accept me" she replied yawning "I'm feeling a little tired I will go get them when I get some sleep" Ulanni answered and that made Alex turn, he couldn't help but admit she was a fast lier.

"I've accepted you and that's what matters , c'mon go get some rest I will wake you up when breakfast is ready" Mrs Smith said then left them to her own room.

* "This is your room" he said paving way for her to pass "it looks messy but we will work on that later"

"Not to worry, though it's small and of course messy but I can manage" she replied then watched as he almost left the room

"Wait!" She stopped him "may I ask why you changed my name to Ulanni"

"Well, I wanted to and I didn't like your previous name"

"Hecate Gorgon? Do you know the meaning of that name, it alone carries power and.....

"Calm down princess you are here now, on earth, it's just a name and get some sleep you look so worked up" he replied then slammed the door.

Well, she didn't like this young boy's attitude but had to deal with it and she really felt weak, heavy, that was the first time she used the powerful vortex to travel and she was told it reduces one spiritual powers drastically but she didn't know she will be this exhausted. She didn't want to check what time it was or how her room really looked like, she just focused her way to the bed and laid down there, instantly falling asleep, she didn't know if she was safe yet, all she wanted was a little time to rest.

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