To the unknown

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"Did you bring the torch light?" Alex Whispered to Gerald as they both hid behind a bush.

"I brought more than that, even food Incase we get hungry" Gerald answered as he brought out one pack of chips from his bag.

"Okay I think we are ready to go in" Alex Mumbled ready to go.

"Guys wait!!" Someone else whispered crawling behind them. Kelvin.
"I can't believe you guys decided to leave without me"

"Me too, I thought we were a team" Ashley too?. Walking behind kelvin

"And by team you mean....?" Kimberly whispered already seated next to Alex

"Okay Gerald whats going on?" Alex questioned as he paid full attention to him now

"Calm down I can explain this" he said putting his chips down
"So like, when you told me about the plan, I was with kelvin and kelvin told his sister and Kimberly mistakenly told Ashley during one of their arguments, so part of this, isn't really my fault" he finished, picking his chips back.

"Alright guys, you know why we are here, so please silence" Alex whispered facing Ashley and Kimberly as he mentioned the word "silence".
"So Gerald where is he again?"

"His backyard" he simply answered

"But what will he be doing in his backyard by this time of the day?" Kelvin asked

"Maybe his hiding something?" Ashley suggested

"Hiding what? Ulanni?" Kelvin added, it wasn't clear to him, neither to any of them.

"Anything he's hiding is at the back, that's for sure" Gerald concluded as he just finished his Pringles

"If he's truly hiding something, I know where he could be." Kimberly said with a smirk on her face.
"Follow me".

"Guys, this is it." Kimberly said arriving at the back of a cabin.

"And how do you even know this hidden place?" Ashley questioned, like always trying to look for trouble but before they had time for their little chit chat they heard voices coming from in there.

"You're not a great demon, but still very useful" they kept quiet as they could all hear an unfamiliar female voice from the cabin

"I'm close to being one" and that was Ulanni's lazy voice. They could swear it was hers
"Did you cast a spell on Daniel?"

"Ulanni for the hundredth time she didn't" Daniels voice chipped in.

"I can't believe he had to beg you to save me" the females voice continued
"And why is Daniel calling you Ulanni?
"And why are your friends eavesdropping in our conversation?"

"Busted!!" Gerald sang entering the cabin

"I can't believe you guys, really!! This far!!" Daniel furiously said looking at the master mind "Alex"
"Can't you guys mind your own business"

"Enough baby" the stranger said caressing his soft cheek then gave him a short kiss on his lips.
"Nice to meet you guys, I'm sure you're Hecate's friends right?" She had a slim tall figure just like Ulanni but her hair was orange in color not denying the fact that she was absolutely stunning. It was Sapphire.

"You guys are unbelievable" Ulanni muttered shaking her head in disapproval
"Anyways, Alex its time"

"Time for?" He asked walking next to her

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