Prom date

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Weeks passed after the incident, nobody saw each other until this day. Some of them tried to go back to that hunted house but couldn't find the house anymore, like it was never there and nothing ever happened.

"Just came back from this short break and my teacher is already loading me with tons of assignments, can you imagine that?" Gerald said while taking a big bite from his burger. It was already recreation time and they all sat on the same table

"I know we are not meant to talk about that day, but how is daisy?" Kimberly asked Alex after taking a sip from her drink

"Well Ulanni erased her memory, and I think that was for the best" Alex answered and the others nodded in accord, then he turned to look for Ulanni but couldn't find her anywhere.

"Have you guys seen Ashely and Ulanni?" Gerald asked and then Ashley sat down on their table as if she just heared her name. When she joined them, nobody said anything nor even greeted her it was an awkward moment for all of them.

"Guys I'm really sorry, I didn't mean all I said back there" Ashley had to break the silence

"Well, it's not us you should be apologizing to" kelvin  said as he looked at her remembering the awful things she said that night

"I know, I will talk to Ulanni when I find her"

"What about Kimberly, you clearly hurt her feelings too" Alex said as he squinted his eyes in her direction

"Oh please, I don't need her petty apology" Kimberly mumbled rolling her eyes while she slowly ate her fries from the table.

"Kimberly we've never gotten along but just know I really care about you and I'm truly sorry" Ashley whispered as she faced her head down the table

"Oh please save the drama for later"

"I was under a fucking panic attack, you are meant to know me better by now!!" Ashley hit the table as she tried to defend herself.

"Some day you will go far and I really hope you stay there" Kimberly uttered her last word then left the table.Then Kimberly went off to meet her little minions but stopped when she saw Ulanni on Daniels table.
"Ulanni we were looking for you? I never imagined you to be here" she said as she joined Daniels table

"Unlike you she's not going to abandon me when her bro comes back" Daniel spat, giving her a hurtful look as he held his chest playfully

"Daniel stop saying rubbish, we are still friends" she replied with a duh tone
"Just that I didn't have time these days, so how long have you guys been friends"

"Kimberly no need for interrogations, let's go practice" Ulanni said then stood up to leave, giving Daniel one last glance.


"I won't ask you anymore about your friendship with Daniel, cause though everyone sees him as a bad jerk, he has a very soft side and he's cool too, to those he wants to be cool with that is" kimberly said as they strolled down the locker room.
"So how are you preparing for prom?"

"You mean the topic everyone can't stop talking about?" Ulanni asked looking fed up

"It'll be very fun, you'll see?" She said back as she playfully tapped her shoulder
"So do you have a date?"

"Do I look like someone ready to have a date?" Ulanni spat as she opened her locker ready to change
"I'm sure you have millions of guys asking you out already"

"Yes, that's true" she sighed removing her top
"But I'm waiting for someone"

"You mean Alex haven't asked you yet?"

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