Daisy Smith

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"Mum I'm home!" Alex shouted as he entered removing his shoe at the entrance.

"Guess who's home Alex?!!"  Mrs Smith voice echoed back from the kitchen

"I was about to tell you the same thing Mum" Alex shouted back rolling Ulanni's luggage inside.


"Brother!!!!" A tiny voice could be heard, interrupting their casual conversation, Alex immediately recognized that voice. It was his younger sister daisy, a very charming young girl. She appeared to have beautiful long black hair just like her mum but took the blue eyes and the facial features from her dad. She ran forward to him and plunged herself into his warm embrace.

"Hey how are doing?"
"I didn't know you will return from France this early" Alex said while scattering her hair playfully

"Well I missed you guys so much!!!!!....Aunty Comfort is good and all nice but I really missed mums yummy food" she replied while playfully rubbing her tommy, she stopped when she noticed a girl staring at her quietly.

"Oh my God you are so beautiful" Daisy exclaimed looking at her with her eyes widely opened
"Nice catch Alex" she added, giving him a playful wink still looking at the new girl
"Who is so beautiful? Ulanni you are back, why did just leave without informing me first? I was so worried" Mrs Smith said as she was coming from the kitchen with her apron still tied around her waist and a cooking spoon on her right hand as she heard Ulanni's name.

"Forgive my mistake human mum it was an emergency" she replied with a short bow

"Woah don't tell me she's pregnant with his baby" Daisy teased still looking at her with a wide smile

"Daisy"! Alex and his mum both exclaimed at the same time

"Well it's nice to see you too pretty human, my name is Ulanni and I presume yours is daisy" Ulanni said returning her smile, Alex you didn't tell me you had a cute little sister" she added folding her arms playfully while looking at Alex.

"Well ehhh it didn't really cross my mind" he defended scratching the back of his head

"Forgive my brother, he's so forgetful" daisy said while imitating the short bow Ulanni did to Mrs Smith earlier and everyone couldn't help but laugh at her funny gesture.

"You really have a great family Alex" Ulanni Said entering her room after a long time.
And as she entered, the floor tiles magically changed it design and color at every step she made, the color of the walls was no longer cream in color but shiny purple with red and purple butterflies drawn on it. She changed the carpet colors and the bed position too, then stopped when she realized Alex was still there with his mouth wide opened and his eyes that almost popping out from his socket.

"Hey you have to start getting used to this" she said rolling her eyes.

"Well it's not everyday you see magic here in Georgetown" he replied sarcastically, then added
"And I'm still experiencing after shocks from our last encounter, but I'm glad you've fully recovered"

"Not fully you know, but better, I still lost forty percent of my spiritual powers and I really need to meditate more for a faster recuperation" she said while decorating her wardrobe.

"I'm sorry about that, if only you can just book a flight to another world" he said then added  "I think changing the tiles is a little too much don't you think?"

"Yes I thought the same thing too" and with one snap the old tiles came back but shinier than before.
"Please remind me to tell you about my room design too" he teased then headed for the door but Ulanni called him back
"Hey won't you explain to me the reason for your sudden change of heart?"

"Nothing I just realized you were the answer to my riddle" he replied seating down on the now crafted chair near her organized table

"Don't hate your powers Alex, It's a gift from the heavens you should be happy" Ulanni muttered with a caring tone, as she couldn't help but hate the fact he detest what a lot of people would kill for.

"Well I don't want it and I've never asked of it neither"  he sharply answered
"You don't know what Ive endured because of this curse you call a blessing, sometimes the poison you have may look like a treasure to others".

With a sigh she faintly added
"then we need to start with the procession"

"Right away please" he replied with glimpse of hope appearing in his eyes

"Well not yet" she contradicted
"I can sense a dark energy circulating your mind and heart, Like a heavy burden you are carrying in your chest, you have to clear your mind to bring your powers out, powers from the heavens shouldn't be blocked by such things.

"It's not easy you know"
"Even though I talk about it with my friends I can't help but still feel burdened by all this" he mumbled already lost in his thoughts.

"Well we have no choice then" she said standing on her feet "I have to bring you to the lost valley of Albatross".

Well I'm back again!
I posted two new chapters for you guys today!!!
I'm I not the best huuhhh?
Still don't forget to vote and comment!!!
Especially the voting aspect!!!😗
Well this is my first book ever!! And I'm happy with the little turn up
Feel free to check my profile so you can follow me
You know I'm new to Wattpad ..why not show me some love ❤️
I think my epistle is getting long again🤡
And you are welcome for the double chapters  I  posted😉
See you tomorrow beautiful amigos
(Closes curtain)

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