The Mysterious Doctor (1)

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Gerald's phone dropped on the floor, Ashley almost fainted and Alex thought he couldn't hear anymore. All this years he has blamed himself for killing his best friend, he carried that heavy burden with him for so long without knowing that he's still alive in his house. Is that why they banned him from entering?
Why did they have to hide it? So many questions popped into his head at the same time. He looked at Kimberly differently not with love this time but anger and disappointment, he stood up from the couch, he couldn't bare the heat. He then looked around but couldn't find Ulanni, he wanted to ask her how she knew what he was trying to solve for three years but knew the answer in just one day of seeing his past.

"I can't believe this, kelvin is still alive? Why did you have to lie all these years? Why Kim? Why?"Ashley said crying bitterly at the thought that her dead friend was actually alive.

"Where is he?" That was they only question Alex asked Kimberly who was shaking on her feet and slowly led them outside the room.
Ulanni was already there waiting for them, she didn't want to see the drama. But what she saw also made her heart melt. Ashley just kept on crying, Gerald did not say or do anything he tried hard to keep calm but his expression said otherwise, she couldn't believe that the always happy Gerald could look this way and Alex just stood there lost in his own thoughts. Ulanni didn't want to see this no more so she decided to break the silence.
"Now guys, I want you to try and keep calm" she said looking at Ashley who sobbed loudly.

"How can you tell us to fucking keep calm when this bitch has been lying to us all these years!!"  Ashley cried out loud looking at Kimberly with fury and rage.

"Don't put the blame on the blonde human, it's not totally her fault" Ulanni replied trying to sound calm.

"And can u explain that please? Explain how it's not this bitch fault, tell me!!!" She said still looking at Kimberly

"We don't have time for this, you guys have to hide quickly" Ulanni said bringing them to one corner.

"Why? What's going on?" Gerald asked confused on why they should be hiding, they just wanted  to see their friend not hide from him.

"Just for ones trust me" They obeyed, they all entered a big brown cupboard and then Ulanni casted a spell so they could see what's going on from the inside without the person outside noticing. They couldn't believe it!!! Ulanni had powers but this was not the time to talk about her powers.Then they all watched as Ulanni became one with the wall.
After about ten minutes of dead silence a woman suddenly appeared, she was wearing a black long robe sweeping the ground and then said some incantations before making a large brown coffin appear. When she opened the coffin someone sat up looking lifeless, like a dead zombie and laid back slowly. Ashley almost screamed but Gerald covered her mouth with his hand to avoid trouble, he knew she was not human, he couldn't take the risk. Alex couldn't believe his eyes, tears kept rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably, then emerging from his chest a small bright light, she started casting and performing an incantation, she was actually feeding from the light, she seemed to feel better and her skin began to glow each time it enters her soul. Kimberly couldn't believe it, that's what the mysterious doctor have been doing all these while, she wasn't helping him to recover but using him instead, she suddenly wondered where her parents were cause they are the ones always welcoming the woman in.
It was time for Ulanni to make her entrance, she appeared in the room cutting the woman off guard, then the fight began. The fought with both martial art and with the use of spiritual powers, they scattered the whole room with dark powers. The woman seemed to be on the winning side because of what she refilled in her, but Ulanni couldn't give up then when the woman pushed Ulanni with force to the floor instead of crashing down hard she somersaulted backwards hitting her face with her left foot. The woman then fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

"Aren't you ashamed you've been feeding from this boy for three whole years you witch!!!!!" Ulanni shouted circling the defeated woman.

"You will regret this, I promise you!!!!" She screamed and then disappeared into thin air. Ulanni didn't expect that disappearance she thought she protected this place with a strong wizardly barrier. Alex immediately stormed out , checking on his friend who seemed lifeless in the coffin. Kelvin he looked so pale, so thin, so different but he was still alive and that's what made him happy. The rest came out too, rushing towards kelvin crying. Kimberly then called Ulanni and asked her where her parents were. She then walked over to another cupboard and opened it revealing her parents all tied up, then untied them slowly.

"Don't judge me, this was the only way to make them believe me" she said seating on the cold floor.

"My son I'm sorry, I'm very sorry" the parents said crying bitterly on Kelvin's body.

"Please I have to bring him to my house , are you okay with it?" Ulanni asked the parents still seating on the floor panting
"Yes young girl I will send him later to you, this night, thank you very much for showing us the truth. Her mum thanked her. But when Ulanni was about to talk she instantly vomited a hand full blood, Alex then rushed to her, worried about her health, they were all still shocked about kelvins news that they completely forgot about the girl that fought, that brought them here showing them the truth and also fought with her life for a guy she knows nothing about. After some time she seemed to regain herself back, she stood up slowly supported by Alex and Gerald.

"Please you guys can go, let the young girl stay with us, I will send her back together with kelvin" Mr Williams said to the others while checking Ulanni's pulse.

"I'm fine sir you don't have to worry" Ulanni said forcing a smile.

"No, I'm sorry but I have to refuse this is the only way we can help.
"Stay with us, for sometime, you need to rest." Mr Williams insisted not giving up. The rest nodded and also felt guilty for not checking on her too. Then Alex carried her gently in his arms and followed Mrs Williams who was leading him to Ulanni's temporal room. When they left Kimberly walked towards Ashley slowly and asked for forgiveness, but Ashley didn't even spare her a glance and walked out of the room, Kimberly understood her friend's anger then held Gerald's hand tightly but Gerald didn't ignore her plead, instead he consoled her seeing what that evil woman did to kelvin, he knew she was forced to do so.

Hey guys I'm still here
Thanks to those that have gone far with me
I really appreciate the love and comments
Don't forget to vote guys... thanks

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