The riddle

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The wide screen instantly disappeared after the part when kelvin died, Ulanni just stood there still perplexed of what she just saw, then with the corner of her eye she could see tears dripping down Alex's cheeks, she felt sad for him but still felt something was odd about this story.

"You two will be given a riddle to answer selected by the spirits of this valley, the riddle will fit your pain and decide what's best for you" she said wavering her hands casting a magic spell.
"But you do know, you have to answer the riddle correctly, Cause if you fail to get the answer you will turn into an albatross bird" she added this time with a change of amicable tone.

"It's that what happened to all those young travelers that didn't return? You turned them to that" Ulanni shouted pointing at her ride.

"The riddle will be asked according to your problem, or probably just a random thing you have to answer right" the guardian added while laughing, scaring the shit out of others.
"You first!" She said suddenly pointing towards Ulanni's direction

"Me?" She said pointing at herself
"Nope I'm not here for this" Ulanni responded waving her hands in retreat.

"Then if you don't answer both of you are not going anywhere, Choose wisely young girl" the guardian said giving Ulanni no choice but to play her childish but deadly game.
"Okay, step forward please" the guardian said pointing at one certain direction.
Ulanni obeyed slowly walking to where she ordered her to, like she didn't even have a choice anymore.

"First question" Said the guardian as her eyes instantly turn blue and as the gentle breeze suddenly turned harsh on them.
"Imagine you are in a dark room, how do you get out?"


"You just appear to be in a room with no possible way out, you don't even know if there's a way out cause it's really dark"

"Is that the question?" Ulanni asked seemingly confused cause that's not the kind of riddle she expected to hear

"It may seem easy but only with common sense can you answer that"
"You have just one chance" she replied squinting her eyes with a threatening expression

Ulanni knew that simply riddle was not to be underestimated, so she started thinking hard "I'm imagining myself being in a dark room, trying to find a way out. How do I get out?" She mumbled to herself gently rubbing her temples
"Myself In a dark room with no way to see"
"Wait a minute" Ulanni shouted raising her hand in a vastly manner.

"Hope you realize you have just one chance, if not you would be cursed forever!" The guardian said seriously giving her the expression showing that this is a life threatening situation.

"Yes I'm sure, Alex you have to trust me on this" she said gently nodding her head, giving him the assurance they will get back home. Alex simply nodded back, fully trusting her intelligence. Then she answered, "It's quite simple, I will just have stop imagining it, since there is probably no way out and also since it's just all in my head, I have the right to change the way I see things and change the picture" she answered in one go.

"There is something to be said about destructiveness and self-fulfilling prophecies that people impose upon themselves. You ask yourself what's the point? It will never work, why continue? taking yourself to the dark and lonely place all the time. It is important not to give up before the battle has even begun. A little positive determination will go a very long way."
"So yes you are right" said the young guardian with a reassuring smile.
"I hope you think of what I just said young one"
"You may go" she added making Ulanni vanish into thin air without even having the chance to complete her sentence.
When Ulanni woke up she found herself back in Alex room sweating profusely. She didn't believe she was just played. "That corny bitch!!" She cursed under her breath when she checked the time, it was already time for dinner. Then someone immediately opened the door. It wasn't daisy nor the mum but Ashley.

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