The puzzle

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Everything changed, nothing was the same anymore especially for Alex. After the battle everyone separated, sapphire went back to help Agatha rule the kingdom as she was closest to the family, Micheal and Rose had things to settle back in their kingdom and Alex, well Alex had to go back to the land of the humans,alone.

It was already one long month after the terrible accident and it was like torture for Alex. He lamented everyday blaming himself for not been powerful enough, if only he worked hard enough, if only he trained harder then maybe he would've saved her and casted the spell himself.

He finally decided to go to school today, he missed a lot and it was time to move on but Greenhigh has didn't make it easier, why? because the family she was just being introduced to, her new click, they couldn't remember her.

"Alex finally you came to school, like you've missed so much, so many quiz and you have notes to copy and things to revise and.." Ashley bombarded as she stopped him but Alex interrupted

"Ashley please stop." He answered then pushed her away.

"Stop there young man you are going to talk to us so stop ignoring us" kelvin shouted as they were already in the field, they all gathered there Ashley, Kelvin, Gerald and Kimberly staring at him helplessly. But he couldn't blame them, it wasn't their fault.

"Why wouldn't you allow us come see you, after you returned from that trip of yours you've changed, why? tell us!" Kimberly muttered as she approached him slowly caressing his tired face.

"And tell me why I should entrust you guys with my trip gone wrong secret"

"Because we are family" Kimberly answered, but that angered him the more he removed her soft hands from his face and shifted back, further away from them.


"Family!!" He shouted

"Do you know the meaning of family? family sticks together no matter what, family do not believe that after three years a boy that laid half dead in a coffin was actually in a coma" he said facing towards kelvin.

"Family stays together become best of friends, reveals dark secrets and help each other out" he said facing Kimberly.

"Family makes other ones become better, family changes one another" he said this one facing Ashley as tears could be seen gushing out of his eyes.

"Family helps one another, family sacrifices for one another, family protects each other and most of all family do not forget family" he said then left leaving them in an utter state of shock and confusion.

"What just happened" Kimberly asked wiping her tears "and why the fuck I'm I crying?"

"What's wrong with him?" Ashley asked as she sat down on the floor

"We are forgetting something" kelvin answered " or maybe we are forgetting someone" he whispered to himself

"That Family speech was just referring to one person but who?" Gerald muttered joining Ashley on the floor "what happened when you followed Alex?" He suddenly asked.

"I'm not sure, I don't remember anything, did I travel with Alex?"

"That's what's we are missing the name of this particular individual"

"Why blame them Alex? you know it's not their fault" Alex could hear a voice as he entered his house.

"So you follow me now I guess" he answered without turning back to look who it was"

"Sinking yourself into this hole will do you nothing but bad"

"That's for me to decide, you didn't have to erase their memory, after all she's done for them she shouldn't be forgotten"

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