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After what it seemed like hours, they finally woke up. They laid down on the wet floor unconscious for a long period of time.

"Wake up guys, we are finally here" Sapphire Mumbled waking up from her deep slumber

"How long have we been out" Ulanni said as she finally stood up dusting her clothes

"It felt like years to me!" And that was? Ashley!!!

"What the fuck are you doing here Ashley?" Alex angrily said as he grabbed her arm

"I didn't want you to go through this alone"she explained trying to free herself from his tight grasp

"I can't believe you humans, do you know where we are now!! You might get killed" Ulanni shouted grabbing her hair in frustration

"I..I don't know what came over me, I promise I will be here unnoticed" she softly said as she finally freed herself from Alex tight grasp

"Enough! Let's go guys, at least we warned her first" sapphire muttered as she led the way
"I'm sensing something here"

"But here is so...I don't know...empty, so what exactly are you sensing?" Ashley naturally said as they slowly followed sapphire
"Fine I won't say anything more"

"Guys, there's someone over there" Alex pointed as he could see movements in a particular foggy area.

"Wait, I will go" Ulanni ordered as she used her right arm to stop him from moving
"Don't trust anyone here, I'm coming" and with that she left them to go meet the stranger

"Let's go" Ulanni said as she got back after meeting the stranger
"C'mon guys lets go, we don't have time" and then they hurried up, but what did she mean by we don't have time? they just arrived that was what got into his mind first but didn't bother and continued his walk. When they reached to where the man was, they could finally see him clearly, he looked somehow like a normal human, the only thing different was the way he handled his flock of sheeps with magic, like the animals could actually read his mind.
"I can see you guys are strangers, what brings you here" he softly asked as the broad smile on his face didn't look like it would fade anytime soon

"First of all, where are we?" Alex asked still looking at his sheep weirdly cause they really looked weird.

"We are in the beautiful region of Alganor and where we are right now is the soul of Alganor.
"Follow me, let's get to the city first" and they all followed the stranger to a place they knew nothing about but before they knew it, they've already reached the so-called city.

"Was it here all along" Ashley asked looking surprised at the instant change of environment

"This place is not ordinary,know that" the stranger answered as he turned back to leave
"What you might be looking for may just be one step away" and then he instantly disappeared from their sight.

"What did he mean by that?" Alex said as they all settled down in a nearby restaurant, luckily for them sapphire settled everything, she really planned ahead. In this restaurant they could all see strange creatures some fascinating too, few humans were also among. The humans here are one with this place cause since this place is filled with different species humans should be among too.

"By what?" Ulanni asked as she was trying to figure out the creepy meal on her table

"By what you might be looking for may just be one step away" he repeated the same words the stranger said before leaving them.

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