The valley of Albatross (1)

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The valley of albatross is a hidden place which can only be entered when one is in the spirit realm.
It's a hidden magical place where travelers from different parts of the world go to relieve their burden or forget their terrible past. But it has also been rumored that thousands have gone but few have returned, that's why one have to be mentally prepared before embarking on this journey. Most of the people that comes here are those that have greatly sinned or evil villains that also seek for a clear conclusion.

"So you are trying to tell me that I will finally be relieved from the heavy load in my chest" Alex asked in the garden minutes after Ulanni finished with her room arrangement. "just like that".

"Yes" she replied seated on a brown bench, drawing some magical creatures.
"But why carry it for so long when you know its hurting? Why didn't you just like I don't know, learn to live with it, you are not the first person in the world to have killed someone and iv not even heard the full story it's seems somehow confusing even to me.

"Ulanni just bring me to the damn place already, I finally want to be free and live my life like I'm supposed to, even Kimberly has moved on, she only finds pleasure hurting me about it"  Alex replied with depression and disquietude written all over his face.

"Well if you insist we have no time to waste then" she said as she immediately finished her sketching.

"Like are we going now" Alex asked no longer gingered like before

"Woah are you scared now?"
"Where did your bravery run to?"
"We are going now young human, follow me" she answered leading the way to the place.

Alex simply nodded and followed after about five minutes they reached the place.

"My room?"
"The valley of albatross is in my room?" Alex asked looking at her while waiting for a proper explanation

"No dummy, it's not in your room" she replied rolling her eyes. "But it's in your room we are going to leave our physical bodies" she replied while drawing something magical on the floor

"Wait this guy here is confused, You mean we are going to venture into an unknown land with our souls" he asked with his eyes popping out.

"Yes big guy, it's not an ordinary place and we need to get back before dinner, so the earlier the better" she answered while finishing up with her drawing.

"Emm I think I'm gonna pass" he retreated stepping back slowly.

"This is not the time to be a chicken Alex"
"Ulanni just bring me to the damn place already" she said mimicking his voice
"Now that I'm ready you want to chicken out"

Alex finally decided after taking a long breath "if that's all it takes for me to finally liberate myself, then I'm all for it"

"That's the spirit human!!!" she said giving him a thumbs up.
"Okay now would you please lay on the floor let's begin the ritual"

"You mean on the floor like on the drawings here" he asked at the drawings on the floor, it looked like a bird.

"Well, that the way to connect and stop asking questions I will teach you all that later, let's begin the ritual".

Five minutes after the ritual, they arrived descending from what it seemed like a red sky crashing on an heathland.

"Best landing ever" Alex said moaning in pain while trying to stand up
*Mark the sarcasm*
"Is it supposed to hurt like this even while in the spirit form"

"Well I don't know, where are we now exactly?" they arrived crashing on what it seams like a heathland, they couldn't see any other thing because of the thick mist blocking their view.

"You are asking me! I thought you've been here before" he asked dusting his clothes

"No, I've just heard of this place" she simply replied. Alex almost fainted at that response before a voice came to his rescue.

"Welcome young travelers, I am the guardian of the valley of albatross" said a young woman slowly appearing from the mist, she appeared to have a very fair skin, wearing a white robe with her hair scraggly tied upwards and her makeup opposing the whiteness of her attire. She was accompanied by two large albatross birds following her, side ways.

 She was accompanied by two large albatross birds following her, side ways

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"Who amongst you needs our assistance?" She said calmly with a smile.

"I am the one" replied Alex raising his hands up
"I want to have a free conscience, I want to move on from the pain i've been bearing for a very long time"

"Say no more, young one and follow me" Said the guardian and instantly disappeared from their sight,
the two large birds approached them bending down a little bit, waiting for them to climb.

"Where are you taking us too?" asked Ulanni climbing on her ride

"We are taking you guys down to the valley itself" replied one of the birds with a deep manly voice.
And they took their flight immediately.

The albatross aloft was a spectacular sight. These feathered giants had the longest wind span of any bird, the two birds flapped for hours without rest, it was such an amazing flight. But they still couldn't see what was below them, cause thick mist obscured their view, after what it seemed like hours, the finally reached their destination.

"Finally! I was just about to throw up" Alex muttered while hopping down uneasily. Immediately they got down, everything around them instantly turned dark.

"Do not fear young travelers and just listen to my voice" the guardian said flickering some white magical ball on her hand and then threw it up, revealing a large screen displaying all the regrets of Alex.
"I can see you regret a lot of things" mumbled the guardian focused on the screen
"You regret telling your father about your powers "
"You regret ever quitting the football team"
"You regret attempting to kill the young girl next to you"
"You regret telling your friends about your nightmares and so many others"
"But there's one big scenery here that seems to be responsible for your greatest pain.

And what Alex avoided the most immediately outshone others and fully occupied the screen.

Thanks for going this far with me,
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to tap that little star.🙃
Bye Amigos.

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