Back to school

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It has been two weeks since Ulanni's disappearance, after that night she never returned. Alex went to that same spot everyday with hope that he would see her again just standing in one dark corner ready to kick his ass. But always returned home with despair. After twelve years of not understanding his dream, then he finally put the pieces together but it was already too late.

"Alex, come down Gerald is back" Mrs Smith shouted from the kitchen while she was busy making some cookies.

Gerald was one of Alex's childhood friends who always found a way out with his sweet mouth. He was not as tall as Alex but he was very charming.

"Hey Samantha long time no see"
"Ohh u've always found the right way to welcome me"  Gerald complimented while sniffling the air now full of cookies.

"Gerald ohh I really missed you" she said while laughing then added "Go up stairs I'm sure he's still sleeping" then with a sigh she added "He hasn't been himself lately"

And with that he rushed upstairs, then came back down took one cookie then went back up.

"Man are you okay it's fucking eleven in the morning"
"I came back from a long trip just to see this lazy ass again" Gerald muttered while using his pillow to wake him up.

"Gerald is that you?" Alex mumbled taking the pillow from him, with his eyes still closed.

"Nope it's your fucking grandma from another dimension" he said rolling his eyes
"I happily came back yesterday, I couldn't stand my grandpa anymore,,that old man turned me into his personal working machine" Gerald answered while Alex got up to go wash his face.

"Is Ashley back too? Asked Alex while cleaning his face with a dried towel

"I heared she's coming back this night, not really sure" Gerald replied,
"I know I'm not meant to be concerned cause emmm i am supposed to be the star of today, but u look so discouraging, like what the fuck happened to you?" Gerald asked looking at his old pal with a confused expression.

Well Alex had eyes bags forming beneath his eyes and grown beards that made him look unkept
He couldn't bear the fact that he tried to kill the one person that could save him

And now she's gone

He stayed awake every night hoping that she will appear like the first time they met.

Alex mumbled softly staring at his window

"I just killed my only hope, that's what happened"


The summer holiday was over and now it's time to go see old faces again...
Alex and Gerald arrived school early, since it was the first day, they couldn't afford to come late.

"Hey guys!!!" Ashley shouted running towards them.
Well as you may probably guess Ashley was also one of their click. She was a very pretty girl with an average height, she had long brown hair which perfectly suited her brown eyes.

"I missed you guys so much" she added as she roughly hugged Alex and Gerald tightly squeezing their necks, they both groaned in pain but still returning the same energy, they missed each other's company so much and was so happy that today they could finally reunite. Before they could even add anything they noticed people's attention facing down the hallway.
Alex couldn't help but stare at the beautiful creature approaching, everything for him happened in slow motion.

Alex!!!!!  Ashley shouted in attempt to bring Alex back to this world
"Don't tell me you still have a stupid crush on Kimberly after all she has done to you..." said Ashley annoyed still trying to bring him back.

So Kimberly is the Green high Queen. She had long blonde hair and shining blue eyes.. well she was Alexs' childhood crush and good friend, they both stayed in the same neighborhood before she moved out two years ago, but both of them had a rough past and Kimberly still can't snap out of it.

"Where the fuck is Gerald???"
"Hey Alex are you even listening?" Ashley questioned at the same time looking for Gerald..
but before she could turned back Alex was gone too

**Hey Kim, nice to see you" Alex greeted as he approached Kimberly in the hallway as she was busy arranging her books in her locker. It was pretty obvious he felt nervous around her.

"What do we have here? the school freak.." Kimberly said making her minions giggle a little
"What do you want to tell me this time? Ohhh wait let me guess,,you still having nightmares? You want mummy Kimberly to sing for you??" She said with a baby voice and a mocking expression on her face.
Students couldn't help but stare and laugh and that sudden comment.
"Alex dear I would like to start this new session with tranquility so please peace out"
And with a peace sign, she left intentionally hitting his chest

"I can see you like being disgraced hun" Ashley said slowly catching her breath

"You and I both know it's my fault she turned out this way" Alex replied staring at her blankly. Ashley didn't say anything, she just gave him a sympathetic look then they both left for class.

Ashley was in the front seat as always while Alex and Gerald where both in the back seat catching up with other friends. Then the biology teacher appeared, Mrs Titi with her long heals and crappy voice.

"Listen up class, I'm not happy to see you guys and I'm sure the feeling is mutual, I hope we start this session well and end it peacefully, So I demand for your absolute cooperation" she said while gesturing for the person outside to come in.
"This is a new student that will likely join us today, she doesn't want to be introduced so maybe after class make her feel comfortable"
"You can go to your seat now young lady"

The new student casually went to the window seat near Daniel (the class bully) quietly removing her books from her red bag to the desk without trying to pay attention to the stares around her.
She was wearing a blue geans and a large fancy black cardigan accompanied with a white air force shoe, with her dark red hair tied in a carefully packed ponytail..

The new student was none other than....


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