The valley of Albatross (2)

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"I think this is a bad idea guys" Ashley whispered hidden at the back of a large oak tree.

"Must you always see things the other way" Kimberly  whispered back rolling her eyes.

"Well we are sneaking into a dead park, at the middle of the night, hiding from big fat guards, who will probably arrest us if they find out we are here hiding in this shitty place, which other way do you want me to see this?" Ashley replied almost forgetting to whisper

"Shhhhhh girls..... the guards will catch us before we even have the chance to enter the main park" Kelvin whispered hiding behind a Bismarck plant.
"Gerald the fuck!!!!"
"Why are you wearing white instead of the main dress code, you know BLACK!!!!"

"Well i wanted to be the light of the group" Gerald replied dusting his white shirt as he felt proud of himself.

"Gerald!!" They all whispered at the same time

"Hey guys, time to move" Alex said taking the lead "Hey kelvin can i have a private talk with you?" Alex murmured as they all laid separately on the wet grass.

"Yes anything?" Kelvin whispered rolling next to him.

"Well I want to use this night to ask Kimberly to be my girlfriend and i got her this necklace, it almost cost me a fortune you know?." Alex whispered at the same time checking for any guards around

"Go for it man.."
"You have my full support"
"My sister really likes you, I'm pretty sure of that" kelvin replied back nodding his head slowly

"Thanks man" Alex replied back with a very big smile sure he's making the right move.

"Hey guys the last guard is finally locking the gate, We are free" Gerald shouted standing up from the wet grass

"Shusshhhhhhhh Gerald we still have to be sure" Kimberly whispered slowly getting up
"Ashley go double check"

"Why me?" Ashley questioned pointing at herself
"Why can't you go?"

"Emm cause I'm the captain of this ship" she answered rolling her eyes at her

"And who named you captain?" Muttered Ashley folding her arms

"I thought i was the captain?" Gerald continued

"Guys the last guard is really out?" Alex spoke, coming back from the main gate.

"Thanks Alex what are we going to do without you" Kimberly said hugging him tightly

"Guys it's time to party!!!" kelvin screamed running towards their favorite spot, everyone followed him on the run, laughing and dancing with no worries in their mind.

After about an hour**
They all laid on the floor staring at the stars and the beautiful moon

"Guys I think the moon is made up of cheese?" Gerald broke the silence still looking at the moon

"Gerald the astronaut" Kimberly said laughing at his stupid statement.

"Well it might be true" kelvin said joining the conversation

"Guys!!" Ashley whispered trying to get their attention

"I can't believe you are teaming up with Gerald on this" Kimberly said still laughing

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