The Mysterious Doctor (2)

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Two weeks had already passed and nothing really changed in school, except for the fact that Ulanni decided to stay in the Williams mansion, she didn't want to worry Mrs Smith by bringing an almost dead guy into the house and moreover, she didn't want to scare Daisy. Ulanni didn't accept any visitors, she wanted to fully concentrate on his recovery but today she decided to gather them all for a brief meeting.

"Hey, greetings from mum" Alex said entering her room offering her a box of brownies.

"Thanks, greet her for me too" Ulanni thanked collecting it.
"Where is everyone?" she asked taking one piece of her new snack

They are waiting for you in the seating room downstairs" Alex replied looking around.
"Hey thanks for everything, I really appreciate what you've done for me"

"No problem, I didn't want anything to distract you when your training commences and I couldn't just sit back there knowing there's a twist in your friend's story" she muttered keeping her gift in her drawer then left to join others.
Alex couldn't help but feel worried, she looked weak and already had eye bags formed because of lack of sleep, he knew that removing the dark spell caused by that woman won't be an easy task, he wanted to help but he couldn't, moreover she didn't accept anyone's help, probably because she knew no one could help her.

"Hey" Ulanni greeted joining the group. They were all gathered together and looked better than the last time they met. But one person was still missing, Kimberly, after that day she refused to make eye contact with anyone and stayed on her own, she didn't even allow her minions talk to her, she was so depressed and Ashley made matter worst my giving her weird looks when she passed the corridor or when they are in class, maybe that's why Ulanni gathered them today, for peace.

"Hey Ulanni I would like to say I'm sorry for misjudging you, even though you are like kinda different which makes me forty percent correct and that...., anyways!!! I'm sorry and thanks for helping my friend". Ashley said with an almost sincere apology, cause truth to be told she now feared her and she's still not quite sure of her relationship with Alex.

"Well that was a wonderful way to apologize" Ulanni commented standing on her feet.
"But I'm not here for an apology, come in" she added facing the door and then came Kimberly, looking sad and tired, but still tried to carry that vicious look on her face.

"And what is she doing here?" Ashley shouted jumping on her feet

"Well this is her house" Gerald replied rolling his eyes

"Well if she's here i'm leaving" She then marched towards the door but someone quickly grabbed her by the wrist.

"At least give her a chance to explain" Alex said which made Ashley contemplate a little before accepting to stay. Kimberly felt touched by his short gesture to help her, she knew he was still mad at her but couldn't help but feel warmth.

"I'm not going to waste anymore of your time and go straight to the point" she tried to sound arrogantly as possible then took a seat near Ulanni.
"It all started three years ago, that same night when kelvin was shot, my parents got the news and rushed to the hospital as quickly as possible, but before they could finally ask me what happened,he was pronounced dead, and the doctor in charge was that evil woman. Then, she called my parents separately telling them that there's a way in which she could help us, that he was not dead just that the doctors had given up feeling that his case was impossible since the bullet was directed to his heart, my parents accepted with no questions, they didn't hesitate on doing so and fulfilling her wish. Every Wednesday in three months she visits and lock herself in Kelvin's room, performing some kind of ritual we couldn't see but hear, the first few months was a miracle for us, cause he could slowly open his eyes and move his body but it became worst after the next few years. But before everything, she warned me and my parents not to ever mention anything that's happening to my friends, especially you Alex for some reason she didn't tell me about, first I found it absurd. But later on in school, I felt someone constantly following me and watching my every next moves, then I knew her threat was real for she wasn't an ordinary woman, she wanted to make you hate me so you could never come here, part of me didn't want to, but part of me also blamed you for it. I'm sorry for everything I've ever caused, I'm not forcing our friendship to be like before but please remove that hate you have for me in your heart and I know I would be fine." Kimberly finished between sobs then left immediately not waiting for any future comments.

"Well, that was a long story" Ulanni stood up stretching her body.
"What? Now you know it's not totally her fault."she added then prepared to leave

"Ulanni don't think we will see you differently after everything that's happened, and please feel comfortable with us" Gerald muttered with a very big smile. Ulanni really felt that smile was contagious and didn't help but smile back.

"Thanks, and please Gerald, Ashley and Alex kindly do me a favor and please go talk to that blonde human not because I care or anything but she cries every fucking night and I'm also sure that somewhere in your hearts you would like for everything to be normal just like old times" she emphasized staring at Ashley who seemed pale and sad.

"Wow nice view, I understand if you won't like to come back" Alex said joining Ulanni in her balcony.

"Nope, I really miss daisy and human mum's pie, so yes i will surely come back" she added giving him a warm smile.

"They all talk about you everyday, I'm starting to feel tired you know" he added sitting down next to her on her brown bench.
"But there's something I don't really understand, how did you suspect all these"

"Well that day at the valley of albatross, I noticed that immediately kelvin got shot, you tried to sustain his life with your powers but thought you failed, but I could see a faint glow in his chest that you couldn't see, then I knew he wasn't dead yet" she replied standing up looking at the stars
"But I thought of something, what if they buried him without knowing he wasn't dead, but to be sure I had to ask Kimberly, who broke down easily telling me half of the truth, and when she told me about that doctor helping them for three years, I knew she was evil and tried to find out the rest in this same house and luckily for me it was Wednesday."

"Woah now I get, so my powers sustained him?" he muttered shocked by what he could do.

" Yes Alex you could do great things with what you have, if only you could see it" she added sitting down back.

"I don't know about that yet, but thanks for everything Anni, I really appreciate" he replied holding her soft hands.


"Yes that will be your new nick name just for me" he added ruffling her hair playfully.
"Come back soon" that was the last he said then stood up to leave.

"Go talk to her, now you know it wasn't truly her fault" Ulanni Said then gently patted his shoulder and walked away.

Everything was back to normal in school, except for the fact that Ulanni haven't returned and still missed classes but the click was back to normal, everyone were naturally surprised that Kimberly now rolled with Alex and the rest but soon got used to it.
Now everyone was anxiously waiting for Ulanni and kelvin to return.

"That was my last attempt kelvin, I've tried my best" Ulanni mumbled to herself then arranged his bed cover. While arranging she could feel someone holding her soft hands, when she looked down, she could see kelvin with eyes widely opened, filled with tears.

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