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"I'm sure your dad will come looking for me when he's recovered" Rose said to Alex as they were all outside on their way to leave her mansion.
"Tell him I went to clear things up, in his kingdom"

"I will, that is if I remember" he responded "thanks for saving his life"

"I caused it dear, you don't have to thank me" she replied as she gently touched his cheeks. "you look just like him"

"And I'll also be as strong as he was" Alex replied then left to join his friends.

They all journeyed back to the soul of alganor with the help of Greg of course. Why they named it the soul of alganor was because it was the place where one could venture into different worlds in their kingdom, Alex tried to talk to Ulanni but she didn't give him the chance, he decided to give her time to fully digest the situation. Alex didn't need time, he is fully aware of the feelings he has for her, though it might break Kimberly's heart, he couldn't help it.

"Wait here, let me open the portal to the devil's kingdom" sapphire muttered then left them for full concentration.

"Excuse me! The devil's what?" Ashley spat as she didn't grab what she just heard.

"I have to go see the king to fulfill Ulanni's mission" Alex explained as he tried to give Ulanni a quick glance.

"Oh I see" Ashley said nodding her head " that would be interesting, let me see if they are all weirdos"

"Trust me when we finally arrive, you'll be the only weirdo there" Ulanni responded then left to meet sapphire.

"What's wrong with her today?"Ashley whispered

"Maybe you should learn to shut the hell up" Alex spat then walked out, leaving her alone.

"Why are you guys taking your anger on me?...the fuck!!" Ashley exclaimed then ran to meet him back.

After about an hour the portal was finally opened, it was bigger than the one she opened the last time and it shone with different colors. Ulanni didn't waste time and immediately entered the portal to get this over with, sapphire followed her at the back, so now it remained Alex and Ashley. They both decided to enter at the same time and immediately they did, the portal disappeared. They weren't as drained as the were the first time they traveled, maybe because this place seems more powerful, but when they entered, they first person Alex saw was an old man holding the gates and then helped to make it disappear. So maybe he joined forces with sapphire and successfully opened the portal but what he couldn't explain was the numerous soldiers and the common demons standing before them. Then an old man brought out a big horn from his spiritual space to blow and when he was done he shouted "the princess is finally back!!!" with a very loud magical voice capable of reaching the ears of the whole kingdom.
Later on four hefty soldiers marched forward and stood by Alex and Ashley side, two each, and took them by the arm like prisoners.

"What's going on!?" Alex asked confused at the situation, why the arrest?
"Ulanni wh-ats go-ing on?" he stammered trying hard to free from their grasp but before he knew it Ashley was long gone, they've already taken her in, knowing Alex had increased in his power. A young female soldier approached him then handcuffed him tightly.
"Ulanni!!! You've not answered me!! What the hell is going on?Where are they taking me to?" Is this how you welcome visitors?!!" He shouted trying to get her attention since she was backing him.

"Take him" that was the only thing Ulanni said before she left the scene.

"Where am i?" Ashley mumbled waking up from her deep sleep. She looked around and found herself in a dark dungeon with metal and rust smell filling the air. She immediately marched to the guards at the drone and began her yelling.

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