Friends at war

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Alex couldn't concentrate in class, he had so many questions to ask, so many things to tell, he also had to apologize. But he didn't know if she would accept him anymore. From time to time he looked at her to see if she would notice him but Ulanni just focused all her attention on the biology teacher.
He already prepared himself that ones the lectures over he will go meet her. After all, her coming to his class means she hasn't fully given up. Yet.

*bell rings* signaling the class was finally dismissed.

Alex immediately packed his book ready to go meet her. But Daniel was there before him

"Hey beauty what's popping?" Daniel asked looking at Ulanni with a flirty grin.
Before she could even reply Alex rushed forward and grabbed Ulanni's hands.

"Leave her alone you jerk" Alex snapped trying to pull Ulanni away.

"Geez Alex I wasn't talking to you" Daniel muttered smacking his hand off her wrist.

"Hey Alex what's wrong?
"Do you know this girl?" Ashley asked looking at the new student confused.

Alex ignored them all and with guilt, looked at Ulanni trying to catch her attention.
"Ulanni please come with me, I will explain everything later"

To his surprise she simply nodded and gently packed her books

"Don't tell me you already like the new princess huhhh?" Kimberly asked who couldn't help but join the almost heated conversation.

"I don't fully understand what's going on here too" Daniel followed.

"Alex is trying to get the new girl that's what is happening" Kimberly sternly replied, this time looking at Ulanni

"Oh please it's none of your business" Ashley defended trying to make Kimberly back off.

"Why not fuck off you freak, it's none of your business either" Kimberly attacked making her way to Ulanni.

"I don't know you, but let me warn you, stay away from these freaks here trust me they will do you no good" Kimberly added leaning close to Ulanni

"You mean she should stay away from you, you jelly demon" Gerald intervened slowly joining the crowd

She didn't mind him but continued,

"If not he will look for your brother"

"Shut up!!!" Ashley shouted

"And kill him!!" Kimberly Shouted back.

"That's it you little wench, I'm going to kill you!!" Gerald said while forcing his way to Kimberly

"And where do you think you are going?" Daniel blocked him giving him a threatening look

"Ohh please Gerald, you and i both know i'm telling the truth" muttered Kimberly rolling her eyes at him

"We still both know it was an accident" Gerald replied sternly

"Accidental or intentional a murder is a murder" replied Daniel and with that single statement Gerald couldn't hold it no more and punched Daniel right in the face. Causing chaos in the class.

Alex didn't reply to the harsh comments he just looked down with his fist tightly clenched, that his Knuckles appeared to be so white.

Ulanni faced him this time, giving him a sympathetic look.

"hey guys stop!!"
"Gerald that's enough!!!"
"Hey new girl won't you do something?!!"Ashley said trying to join the other boys separate the fight.

"What's going on here!!!!!" Shouted the biology teacher
"This is not what I meant by making her feel free!!!"
"Detention all of you!!!! Daniel Jones and Gerald Dickson in my office now!!!! She then stormed out of the class.

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