Silent Night

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After hours, she finally reached the town her father located her to, George Town. She could see it from above as she was still in her Vortex descending downwards. The current in which she used to travel was very high, of course nobody could see it but few could feel the wind in the sky change furiously in its direction.

The town looked peaceful, beautiful, she had to admit was already late at night but people still came out, she could see children running all over the street been watched by their parents, lovers taking their sweet stroll around a park nearby, teens with their pets and old parents prolly saying some old uncle jokes as they all filled the town with laughter. And this was not really something she was used to.

Then, she gracefully landed on the ground with the tip of her toes and fully rested on it and with immediate effect time stood still, the ball the children used to play was still in the air, the dogs mouth were left ajar from barking and with spit lagging from their mouths and in the air, the leaves didn't flicker anymore and that's how she wanted it to be, peaceful and quiet.

She fully examined the place better this time but she didn't have time to waste here, she had to find the chosen human today. Not because it was an emergency but she really felt tired and also disoriented from her journey as she used most of her spiritual powers to get here.
Then after about five seconds everything came back to normal. The ball bounced back and the children continued having fun, of course no one noticed the change or the fact that a young demon princess was standing in the middle of the road. They didn't care, after all what you don't know won't harm you, right?

Tired of standing there, she casted a spell then a red-blood dripping butterfly appeared in her front and then it began to fly upwards, straight ahead.

"This better be fun" she simply stated then lazily followed the red butterfly to wherever it was going to.

Everywhere was quiet in the smiths family, none of them knew what's going on or rather know what's about to happen, but Samantha Smith couldn't help but feel uneasy, as she sat in the kitchen counter with a hot mug of chocolate in her right hand holding her chest tightly.

"Mum! Mum? For Jesus sake mum I've been shouting your name all night why aren't you replying?" Alex said as he took a chair to seat beside her taking away the hot mug from her shaky hands.

"I'm sorry son, I wasn't really focusing I...."

"Mum, if it's about you feeling uneasy again I'm not gonna like it" he cut in with clear frustration on his face. " I told you to try and relax, sleep or do anything that will distract you from all this"

"I'm just having a strange feeling and there's nothing sad about that, in fact I actually feel good, just as if my hope is slowly reviving" Mrs Smith said as she jumped up facing her son.

"Mum if this is about dad"

"It's not just about your father Alex but you too" she replied rubbing his hair backwards. "I hope you stop acting strong and finally let it all out"

"I hope so too Mum, but until that day I think we should all continue with our normal sad lives" he added, then kissed her on her forehead "goodnight mum" and ran upstairs to his room.

The devil princess was still sluggishly following the red blooded butterfly on this dead street, she looked so weak and barely walked properly, she really needed a place to rest for the night, not sure it will be his place but she had to the introductions this night.

She looked around and she could feel dark energy lurking around this place, so she immediately knew she was close by, as other creatures have already been here even before her.

And then the butterfly stopped in front of a large house then vanished into thin air, she turned around to look at the place, that's when she noticed a bright light from a room on the second floor, a light emerging from a young human. She only hoped the boy will easily comply cause God knows she didn't have enough strength to deal with him this night.

"Finally" she said to herself, then disappeared.

**Alex just stood there in front of his mirror, bringing back old memories, well it seemed like his mum didn't notice she dug open a buried wound. Looking at the mirror one could see a very tall handsome guy with black long hair fairly coiled to the back, his broad necked shoulders resting well and nicely created, he was such a good looking man any girl will say just by looking at him. But he had an ugly wound, a profound wound deep down his chest, something only him will know about. He didn't want to think of the past, his friends have moved on and so should he.

He wanted to leave to his bed but couldn't anymore. He just froze there, looking at the long mirror with his eyes wide opened.

She didn't move but stood there looking at him too, with a lazy expression on her face. They both stared at each other from the mirror for a very long time , until Alex finally gathered the courage to look back. The courage couldn't last long as he dashed to the door without even thinking twice, not caring who he left in his room.

"I knew this would happen but C'MON!!!" She shouted then followed the poor human outside.

Did i fail to mention I'm new here ?? (Thinking) oh yes I did.
Pls guys I'm new here and I need your love and support guys ..
I hope you enjoyed reading
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I really love you guys!!!!!!
Okay so I changed the name of the town..

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