The Sacrifice

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"Princess, what's wrong? You've not eaten anything since your arrival, you need energy for the war that's about to commence" the old maiden Agatha said to Ulanni, who just laid lazily on her soft crimson bed.

"I overheard the conversation between Alex and my father" she said slowly seating straight
"I'm not meant to overthink things but it's kinda true"

"Young princess don't say such, you know your father truly loves you" Agatha said tightly holding her hands.
"All this, its for your future, the kingdoms future, but...."

"But there's a past" Ulanni interrupted "there's always a past, Michael told me all about it but something's not right"

"What do you mean? Don't believe everything he told you, I've been in this kingdom long before your father even fully settled in"

"But he betrayed the angel kingdom...

"In a way he did but...but at first all he wanted to do was to be the stand by like he always was, all he wanted to do was to rule the kingdom in his place for the main time but..."

"But what?"

"The sense of greed overtook him, he wanted to fully have it and for that he had to follow the wrong path, he was tired of been the second option, Michael did not fully want the powers offered to him in a platter of gold, he didn't really show interest in it, that's why it was easy for him, until Rose showed up and spoiled his plan" Agatha answered then with a sigh she continued
"Those he planned with, denied him and stabbed him in the back"

"Just like the way he stabbed Michael in the back"

"Yes you could say that, but they humiliated him, treated him like garbage, just because he wasn't one of theirs, knowing well most of them planned this with him and that was when i found him helpless with almost all his spiritual powers gone. He had gone crazy, even though he knew he was wrong, he couldn't let it go, not like that.

"And now all he want is to destroy the angel kingdom and become the true ruler of the whole planet..."
"i need to talk to him, millions of lives would be lost because of his wrath" Ulanni protested standing up

"It's already late, millions of soldiers are already on the battlefield with the angel soldiers in sight... you can't do anything anymore but accept the faith of the people" Agatha responded standing up to leave.
"Prepare yourself for the battle of the century, I'm sure they are already waiting for you" and with a gentle tap one her shoulder she left the room.

Ulanni was already dressed up and ready to join the other warriors in the battle field. It was something she was used to and also born for wasn't like other days, the war wasn't with ordinary creatures but the powerful angel race. She arrived riding on a black armored horse at the war front with her father and sapphire leading thousands of warriors at their back.

"Sapphire how is everything going?" The devil king asked.

"Well prepared my king, he would step in as a little surprise for the angels" She replied with a smirk appearing on her face.

"What about his little girlfriend?"

"She's already been sent out of the kingdom back to the humans, your majesty" she replied with a second bow.

"I think we are good to go" he muttered then shouted "Akuba! Blow the horn!" he announced and it was instantly executed then they all rushed forward, ready to attack. As they all shouted running toward their enemies, Ulanni saw someone she really didn't expect to see and she was sure he was the one, she saw Michael, Alex father together with Rose as they both rode on their white horses. She didn't exactly know how to feel but one thing she knew was that she had no chance for distractions. They jammed each other, slashing swords against one another, it was truly an epic battle, only loud voices of men, screeching of swords and horses as the loudly stomped their foot on the ground could be heard. The devil king and Michael finally met after series of fight.
"Long time no see my friend" the devil king muttered as they both circled each other.
"I didn't expect you to be in this shape" he added sarcastically holding his sword tightly.

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