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"Mum we have to inform dad and anyone else available, she could be in danger!" Alex stated as he was alone with his mum still in the room.

"Calm down son, it's a good thing she's alive but... your father is far away how are we going to pass the message" Mrs smith replied as she sat on the bed feeling dizzy because of the way Alex roamed about.
"Even though it's hard for me but I'll go inform Rose so she could help pass the message"

"Rose? So you knew she was around?" He asked looking at his mum anxiously, he knew his mum hated her for what she did to Michael and knowing the fact that she was still around will surely make her feel restless.

"Sometimes I feel her presence, just as if she wants to tell me something but lacks the courage to do so"

"She probably wants to apologize" Alex said as he calmed down and sat next to her.

"I don't need her apology, all I need right now is for everything to be finally over and your father, he just recovered from that terrible curse after been trapped for many years and now this" with a sigh she continued "I will do all I can to pass this message but all we have to do right now is wait"

"But mum ever since we found that treasometer her energy power keeps deflating, she's dying mum we can't wait here doing nothing"

"Trust your father that Ulanni will be alright, now I want you to take your classes seriously, you wanted hope and here it is" she said giving him the treasometer "she's alive and that's enough to keep us going"
Alex didn't want to admit it but he knew she was right, he didn't want to put her in more danger and just hope they'll find her.


In a far away place surrounded by tall trees and bushes all over, Ulanni woke up finding herself in a rough tent. She stood up weakly removing the energy support on her wrist, she looked around and she could see nothing but medicinal herbs, medicines of all sorts, some clothes and three buckets of water.
"Where I'm i?" That's the first thing she could say, she went to the mirror nearby and realized what she was wearing, a long blue gown and realized her hair had grown longer than before, she looked at her pale face and her thin body and couldn't help but wonder how long she'd stayed here.

"Hello! Is anybody here?" She shouted weakly as she strolled around the forest with one hand supporting her aching stomach.
"Anyone?" She shouted again then stopped when she sensed she had company, she wasn't alone. She turned slowly and couldn't help but feel her heart beat hard when she realized seven hungry wolves at her back watching her every move.
"Calm down" she said with one step back but seeing how different they were, telling them to calm down was definitely not the solution, so she had no choice but to run.

With her last strength she ran faster than she could screaming for help, she couldn't use her powers for it was still too weak, she stopped when she saw a cliff then she decided to use her powers but it wasn't powerful enough, for she realized those wolves were also filled with spiritual powers. She did nothing but closed her eyes, but when she did close them she could here screeching noises and wolves crying sounds and when she did open them she noticed they were all dead all seven of them.

"Who did this? Where are you? Please don't leave me here all alone, I'm scared" she mumbled then sat down on the ground and wept. Nobody has really seen Ulanni cry before, for she always acted strong but now she just gave up easily, she felt tired, hungry and confused and then flinched when she felt a tap on her shoulder she looked up and saw a familiar face, her father. He wore a simple white top and a black palazzo trouser completely different from the long robe and heavy embodiment he's used to wearing.

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