That doctor returned

27 21 2

"We are all going to die" Kimberly mumbled as she slowly sat down on the floor, already giving up

"Can u hear that, you are the one that brought us here in the first place and now you are giving up" Ashley harshly replied as she freed herself from Alex arms

"And how is any of this my fault?" Kimberly asked standing up trying to know the reason for this argument

"Well, you had to please daisy by accepting her request" Ashley instantly replied not ready to back off yet

"It's nobody's fault Ashley" kelvin said trying to stop the fight

"We all agreed to this" Ulanni lazily said as she stood with kelvin looking at the sealed door.

"Now is not the time for this guys, we are in a life and death situation for Jesus sake and why did she play this song?" Gerald said looking disturbed by the loud crazy song playing.

"Well ask Mrs goody two shoes why she's always attacking me" Kimberly said tired of Ashley's bullshit

"Oh please for crying out loud!! Stop this!!" Alex shouted trying to separate them from their eye piercing stares

"Can't you see Alex? she's doing all this to please you, she still loves you and that's what got us into this mess"

"And what does love have to do with this situation?" Ulanni answered obviously annoyed by the distraction

"Because Alex don't love her anymore!!"Ashley shouted back

"And how sure are you?" Ulanni replied back pushing Kimberly off the way now facing Ashley.

"Because I know, I can feel it" she softly replied
"And you please mind your business"

"My business?, wow, I am trying my best to find a way out of here, while you are busy trying to break Alex and Kimberly's relationship.

"Girls that's enough" Gerald said as he pulled Ashley away

"So you were in love with Alex all these while, and I didn't know" Kimberly stated, now rejoining the heated argument

"Even a frog would notice" Ulanni said rolling her eyes

"Just shut up you stupid demon, how sure are we you are not part of this stupid mess" Ashley harshly said as she removed her hand from Gerald's grasp

"Ashley don't" kelvin said as he tried to hold Ulanni's hand

"Well yes, she's a demon with an evil motive we don't know about yet" she still kept on talking

"You know nothing about me" Ulanni was clearly annoyed trying to hold back her anger

"Do you think Alex likes you now just because you saved kelvin?"

"Ashley what the heck! shut the fuck up" Alex had to step in, now in their middle

"He will always choose us before you, so stop acting like the stupid boss that you're not and get the hell out of here!!!!!"

"I never told him to choose me first you psycho!!!" She screamed dragging her hair

"Girls please stop this, we have a case to solve here" Alex said trying to separate them.

"After you are done helping him, he will kill you, cause you deserve to be killed!!! You are no different from that witch out there" Ashley roughly said as she tried to free herself.

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