Like fairy tales

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They all followed Greg and just like that old shepherd they arrived there in just three steps from the restaurant. It didn't really look welcoming, the mansion they arrived at made them remember Halloween but it was kinda beautiful but what obstructed its beauty was the dark clouds that formed round it. They all silently followed Greg into the house with no complaints, Alex spotted like ten servants already and having plenty servants wasn't odd but the fact that they were all old was the odd part. Others could notice that too but all chose to keep quiet.

"You guys should rest for the night, she will attend to you tomorrow" Greg politely offered as he showed them to each of their rooms

"Why can't we just see her now?" Sapphire asked but she knew deep down she needed to rest.

"It's already late and she already knows why you guys are here so wouldn't it be better if she finishes it up tomorrow" Greg answered then quickly added
"Dinner would soon be ready" and then he left, giving them their private time.

"Is he expecting us to be comfortable" Ashley said arching her eye brows.

"We need to rest we have a big day ahead" Sapphire replied yawing then entered her room.

"Alex can I talk to you for a minute?" Ashley softly said as she entered her room.

"I just want to say that I'm sure i know I've been an asshole the whole time but...."

"You changed because of Ulanni" Alex finished her sentence.
"You don't have to feel that way" he added holding her hands

"Alex, I know I don't have the right to feel jealous but you remember when we were kids and we went to one Barbie shop to buy toys for my birthday"

"Yes and so what?" he confusedly asked

"Then you saw the most beautiful and biggest Barbie doll in the whole shop but we couldn't afford it" she added between sobs
"And then you called it Ulanni, you gave that name to the beautiful doll we kept staring at and when I asked you the meaning, you told me that your father knew all about Angels and their names and your favorite name was Ulanni which actually meant "heavenly beauty" with a sigh she continued "then later on I meet a girl we have no ties with bearing that name... what did you want me to think? Why did you even change her name?"

"Ashley that's not for you to ask" Alex replied "did you come here to apologize or you called to ask me that?"

"I didn't.. but I just felt jealous not only because of the one sided love I had for you but also the friendship we had"


"I know, and I'm sorry...she's a good person and I just overthought everything like always" she said lowering her head as she slowly wiped her tears.

"Ashley you are still my best friend and no one can replace that" he softly said then hugged her and slowly retreated "We are having a big day tomorrow so you need to sleep, you really look tired...goodnight" he kissed her on the cheeks then left her room.

It was already late in the morning and they were all in the living room waiting for the the Demi goddess to show up.
"Hope you guys enjoyed your breakfast, I heard that none of you ate last night" Greg said as he joined them in the living room.

"I guess we were all tired" Ulanni responded
"If i may ask what's with all the oddities here?"

"I don't know if I should answer that but...."

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