First kiss

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"Daisy why were you up so late?" Mrs Smith asked, as they were having breakfast preparing to go to school. This town was not as crazy as Alganor and things here were rather peaceful just like the normal days, but not really normal in the smiths family. Everyone prayed all day for safe journey, the patience was killing everyone but they still had to carry on their daily activities and trust Ulanni.

"Mum I've told you a million times, nothing!" Daisy responded with a bored expression on her face.

"I know you are worried about your brother but we just have to have faith that everything will be alright" she said as she gently held daisy warm hands but froze when she heard a noice from the up floor.

"Daisy did you invite anyone here last night?" Mrs Smith asked standing up, ready to throw a tantrum.

"Mum I swear I didn't" daisy defended standing up on her way to the staircase.
"I'm sure it's the wind or something but let me go check"

"It better be the wind daisy cause if you really snuck anyone here last night.. you'll be a dead meat soon" Mrs Smith shouted behind Daisy back as she was climbing the stairs.

"Daisy what the hell are you still doing upstairs?!!" She asked as she wiped her mouth and quickly rushed upstairs.
"Daisy don't you want to go to school anymore?" Mrs Smith asked as she met daisy standing still in the hallway.
"Daisy I'm talking to you....." then she paused when she saw tears forming in her eyes. Without further ado she slowly followed the gaze of daisy down the hallway. She couldn't believe what she just saw.
"Micheal" she faintly whispered as tears rolled down her cheeks. They both stood there in shock, frozen, not the kind of shock you have when you are in fear but when you can't believe what's at your front. He looked so young like the time daisy last saw him. He wore a simple white robe with his long hair that lazily slipped passed his shoulder.

"Samantha, Daisy" He broke the silence, slowly moving towards them.
"I missed you guys so much!" He softly said as he too broke down in tears as he knelt down on the hard floor weeping.

"Papa!!!" Daisy shouted hugging him tightly as she wrapped her soft hands round his neck.
"Please don't leave me again"
They could feel an extra arm around them. It was Mrs Smith she finally recovered from her own shock. She kissed the tears on his cheeks, then his hair. She was done crying, it was now replaced with a big smile.
"Does that mean they finally succeeded?" she said as she gently caressed his soft cheeks. But that changed his mood instantly.

"No Samantha, I sense great danger, I think a war is about to occur".

"That's bullshit!! This is bullshit!! You are bullshit!!" Ashley shouted at Rose as she didn't appreciate the way she looked calm.

"Mind your language young one" Greg said as he moved to her direction but Rose stopped him

"It's normal to get upset, let her be" she said as she slowly turned to face the door.
"You guys aren't kids anymore I'm sure you'll figure things out"

"Where do you think you are going!!" Ashley shouted as she appeared at her front blocking her way
"Do you think we would believe your cock and bull story? Or wait, do you think we are acting a Disney movie here?"

"We are in a magical land Ashley, things aren't normal like in your world" sapphire said rolling her eyes
"Even though I don't know his other love bird I still believe her story and don't forget it's a real fairy that wrote that book"

"I'm glad someone was actually paying attention" and then Rose left the heated room accompanied by Greg.

"Let me go grab something to eat" Sapphire muttered then left the room too.

"Ulanni why aren't you saying anything, you're just standing there like a lifeless statue"

"Being paranoid won't change anything" Ulanni replied as she too prepared to leave the room.

"I think you should do it" Ashley mumbled already seated on the dusty floor making Ulanni freeze on the spot.
"The person that can revive him is here and that person is you"

"What are you talking abou....."

"You know it can't be me, you of all people should know that" she continued cutting her in.

"And what if it doesn't work?" Ulanni asked as turned to face her with fear in her eyes. Ashley didn't know if her fear was that it would work or it wouldn't but she was sure it could be both.

"Then we would go look for Kimberly, I know it wouldn't work anyway, let's just give it a try" Ashley said as she playfully tapped her shoulder trying to ease the tension down. They slowly walked to his room and arrived at his door step.

"I'll wait for you here" Ashley muttered then sat down on a chair nearby. Ulanni didn't mind her change of behavior and entered the room. Ulanni haven't felt this way before.. she didn't know what to do, why was her heart beating this fast?..why were her legs shaking? She slowly sat on his bed. Seeing him looking so pale made her heart ache but that's when she knew she had to do something. Then she slowly leaned towards him and with her eyes closed she kissed him. Her first ever kiss. She did it. She didn't know how long they kissed cause she was so lost in the moment but then she stopped when she noticed two pairs of eyes intensely staring at her. Alex, it worked, the kissing spell worked. Ulanni immediately stood up on her feet, She couldn't believe what just happened, why now? It would ruin all her plans. With tears uncontrollably slipping through her eyes, she left the room with hurry. Alex didn't know why she was in tears but he had to follow her. Ashley immediately stood up when she saw Ulanni leaving the passage crying. She thought maybe it didn't work until she saw Alex coming out from the room. Sapphire who was nearby was the most surprised, the apple she was eating fell from her hands.

"Alex!!" Sapphire screamed with tears also forming in her eyes.
"Let her be! I'll handle this"  she ran out of the building in search for Ulanni. Alex and Ashley didn't understand the situation but stood there and watched as sapphire ran towards the exit.

Hecate what's going on?" Sapphire questioned panting as she reached a nearby garden and found Ulanni seated on a fountain.
"Talk to me, why did you allow this to happen!" She shouted this time then grabbed her by the collar and gave her a threatening look.

"How dare you....."

"Please cut the bullshit.. we are friends! You are the only friend I have and the same goes to you.. we've stood together ever since we were little so don't give me no princess lecture!"

"Sapphire I know what your thinking but remove that thought from your head...I won't spoil anything!" Ulanni whispered as she freed herself from her grasp.

"No wonder that bitch allowed him to read the spell with no stress because she knew you two were in love" Sapphire muttered then sat down beside Ulanni on the fountain.

"I'm so stupid" Ulanni sighed


"I didn't even recognize my own feelings towards him" Ulanni said and then sapphire quickly gave her a hug and wiped her tears then lifted her up and whispered in her ear.
"Play times over.. let the war begin"

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I really hope you read it with the piano song
I set. Cause it really sets the mood🥶

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