Training Time

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Ulanni finally returned to the smiths, she was so happy that everything was finally over and nothing could distract Alex anymore, Kelvin is back, his friends are united again, he has chance with Kimberly now. Nothing should disturb, he has to train not only for herself but for the threats slowly approaching his way.

"This will be our new training ground" Ulanni said as she arranged her weapons, some made of woods and real ones. That made Alex know that yes she's actually serious with this.

"Seriously, this cottage is kinda small and it's near the garden, what about my mums flowers" Alex grumbled, giving complaints since they arrived.

"You complain too much" Daisy commented rolling her eyes, as she helped Ulanni fixed and cleaned the weapons.

"And why are you here? Why are you guys even wearing the same outfit" he asked folding his arms looking at Ulanni. They were wearing the same black outfit which made them look kinda cool, he had to admit.

"Well, that's not important right now" Ulanni replied then stepped into the battle line she drew, setting her body in a position ready to fight. And then stretched her hand forward

"I don't fight girls but I'm tired of this" then he rushed forward trying to ace her down. But then he fell, she simply avoided his touch.
"Woah, I was just testing you, now I'm ready!" He said trying to pull her legs, so she could fall but she instead used that leg and kicked him right in the face.

"This is serious, you can't even touch me" Ulanni commented circling him.
"Stand up now soldier and let me show you how to fight"
"Be faster than your opponent" she's said giving him quick blows everywhere
"Always predict his next move" she said as she avoided his punch and elbowed him in the head.
"Try to be flexible" She then allowed him throw punches and gracefully avoided it by splitting, flipping and not forgetting to kick him back.
"Always know his weak point" she then fell to the floor and kicked his left leg. "I noticed you injured yourself there".
"Lastly, never underestimate your opponent" she rounded up giving him a final blow. And with that Alex gave up and fell to the ground, he couldn't see well anymore, his view was foggy, he felt pains everywhere but he could still hear voices.

"I'm sorry master, he's so weak" he's sure that was Daisy's voice as he could lazily see her wiping the sweats off Ulanni fore head and giving her water to drink.

"With time he will learn" and that was Ulanni's harsh voice as she crossed him over and walked away.
"Five minutes break!!" Ulanni shouted sitting on one of the hard bench nearby.

"What!!!!, I almost died" Alex said as he slowly stood on his feet

"Well almost, you didn't die yet" she lazily replied as she looked at him with disgust.

"Please let me rest, I'm not on your level, you know that right? just for today" he pleaded but before she could harshly decline, Kelvin came in.

"Hey guys, your mum told me you guys were here doing some training shit" kelvin said sitting down next to Ulanni, giving her one of his big smile

"And how did she react when she saw you?"Alex asked as he slowly walked over to them holding his tummy in pain.

"Well, the normal reaction, but she didn't really freak out as my other aunties" kelvin replied trying to hold back his laughter.

"Well, how are you doing now? Hope you are constantly meditating with the positions i gave you" Ulanni asked softly touching his left upper chest.

"Yes, you don't have to worry about me" kelvin muttered as he shyly rubbed his neck avoiding her gaze. Alex couldn't understand what was going on but he had to cut it, but before he could say something Ulanni asked.
"Where is Gerald?" She asked looking at kelvin who she's sure didn't come from his house.

"Well he's at one of the game stores , any problem? do you need anything?" kelvin asked looking worried.

"No, I just think he's the right adversary for my trainee" she muttered giving Alex a short smirk,then stood up and left.

"Why I'm here again?" Gerald asked as he was in their new battle ground with his loosed outfit. It was the second day of training and Ulanni concluded that he needed a smaller opponent.

"Ulanni needed your help" kelvin replied as he advised Alex on how he could win the fight.

"Oh c'mon kelvin, I don't need your coaching, this is Gerald we are talking about". Then Daisy blew the whistle, time for battle.
And after series of kung fu Gerald won the fight, then Ulanni got up and harshly commented,
"You just broke the fifth rule, which was...."
"To never underestimate your opponent" Daisy finished it up for her.

"Woah, you've gotten weak man" Gerald said as he proudly dusted his clothes and drank the water given to him by Daisy.

"Really weak, I'm sure even daisy could shove him off" kelvin commented making daisy laugh a bit.

"Master what should we do to my brother, he deserves punishment for being too weak" Daisy said with a bow as she waited for Ulanni's response.

"Hey, I'm still your brother you know?" Alex shouted given daisy an offended look.

"Well I'm sorry young one, but you are still a weakling" she replied then laughed and sheepishly ran away as Alex began to pursue her as they were busy playing kelvin approached Ulanni and asked some few questions.
"Why the harsh training?"

"Well we all have to be prepared especially him, that evil woman will try to come back at me, and also try to locate Alex so she could have more of his powers" she replied showing him the seriousness of this matter.

"Oh I've almost forgotten about that strange doctor but we will try hard to be careful too and give our best support". He replied reassuringly, then with a cough he added.
"Thanks again for everything, I can never repay you for saving my life"

"Well this is the hundredth time this month kelvin, it's fine" she said slowly rolling her head, then Gerald joined them sitting down next to Ulanni leaving her in the middle now.
"But aren't you guys afraid of me now that you know who I really am?"

"Nope, it's like telling us to be scared of Alex because he has hidden powers, you are family now" Gerald replied resting his hand on her shoulder.
"Our new beautiful family is now complete" kelvin said as he too tried to rest his hands on her shoulder.

"Woah this was what he was talking about" she replied absent minded as she gently rubbed her temples

"That what?" They both asked at the same time.

"That I will join you guys without even knowing" she instantly replied making the two boys laugh hard.
The sight Alex saw made him happy, seeing his friends full of joy and united, except for the two trouble makers that couldn't make it today but he too despised himself for being too weak, he has to be strong for himself, for his family and more importantly to protect Ulanni. And with that Alex told himself he would train every night and then and prove to his friends he wasn't a weakling.

Hey guys! Hope you liked this new chapter and if uv noticed I changed the book cover, do u prefer this one or?
And I will also like to thank you guys for 200 views, thanks so much for moving with me and also don't forget to vote and comment.
The guy on the slide>>>is Gerald, fits perfectly right?

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