His Return

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"Hey, could you please remind me why I'm early today" Gerald asked yawning while taking his seat.

"It's because of Kim's text, she said we should all come early today" Ashley replied as she lazily flipped some pages of her text book.

"Do you think any of these have to do with kelvin?" Alex asked with a hope shown in his eyes.

"Well, maybe, but guys what's the deal in coming to school early, I come to school very early almost everyday and I'm okay with" Ashley muttered tapping Gerald who was busy snoring.

"So Alex" she continued shifting her chair towards him.
"Now that we kinda know who Ulanni is and all that, could you please tell us the deal between you two." She asked widening her big brown eyes followed by a broad smile.

"Well, I don't think i should hide anything from you guys anymore" Alex replied scratching his hair.
"It's about my powers, she was sent on a mission to help me revive them.

"Then what happens after its been revived? Will you go and save her world or something?" Gerald asked now interested in their conversation.

"Well I don't know, I guess so?" Alex replied remembering the first time they met.

"So what Gerald said that night three years ago was actually true, I thought he was going crazy" Ashley said putting on a thinking expression.

"But I thought you didn't like your powers" Gerald asked looking puzzled.

"Well yes I don't want them, I can only give it up, if it's been revived and maybe help her finish her mission then finally let it go" he replied instantly with his hands crossed.

"Uhhhhm So where is she from?" Ashley asked looking more interested.

"Emmm the demon race" he replied with uncertainty in his voice.

"The what?!" they both replied at the same time.

"No guys not that kind of demon" Alex said laughing at their shocked expression.
"I think, but anyways she's not here to take my soul or anything so please calm down, and please don't make her feel awkward with your silly questions" he added looking at Ashley seriously.

"Ya ya whatever, haha and I here, thought you guys were dating or something" she sighed in relief

"Woah guys look around the class is already filled with students" Alex said ignoring what Ashley said
"We were busy talking we didn't even notice students coming in"

Then the bell rang, which was time for the first period, and Ulanni and Kimberly were both no where to be found. Then the grumpy biology teacher who looked horrible than usual rushed in. Some had to pretend to care and ask what's wrong.
"Guys I think I should take a day off" she said then roughly splashed her bottled water on her face.
"I think I saw ...wait no, it can't be true, I'm pretty sure I'm hallucinating, maybe it's a sign of too much sugar"

"Miss Tina who did you see?" Alex asked standing up

"Kelvin!!!! I saw kelvin!!!"she screamed covering her lips later, she couldn't believe she just said that.
And with that, the three friends stormed out of the class followed by the other curious students.
Walking down the dark hallway, they could see three students approaching slowly, it was already obvious that two were girls and at the middle was a guy. Everyone waited patiently for the three students. And they could finally be seen, Ulanni, Kimberly and at the middle Kelvin, who was supported by his sister. Then they stopped, noticing hundreds of students watching their every move. Kelvin looked amongst the crowd as if looking for someone and then he saw his friends. Some teachers couldn't believe their eyes, while some were busy fanning Mrs Tina who just fainted.

"Are you guys going to hug me or what?" Kelvin asked stretching his hands and then the three friends ran and jumped into his arms, Alex couldn't help but cry, he cried so loudly he couldn't believe himself, some other students joined them, it was a very touching moment, one could say. And then Kimberly said loudly. " Students of green high academy, this is kelvin my brother as you all remember, he wasn't dead but in a coma all these years and now he's finally back with us".

"I can't get use to to this" Ulanni muttered trying to avoid the stares from the students looking at their table. It was already recreation time and Ulanni regretted joining their table

"Don't worry it would soon die down" Gerald said assuring her from her worries.

"Don't tell me you are shy" Kimberly asked looking at her smirkingly smile.

"Well I'm not, I just hate unnecessary attention" Ulanni replied giving her the same look but deadlier.

"Well Ulanni I can assure that this will end in just one week, so you don't have to worry about leaving us" kelvin said with a smile.
"So Alex who's the new captain of the team?"

"He abandoned the football team right after you left, it wasn't easy for him" Ashley replied eating her food lazily.

"Now that I'm back, I guess you should come back, I'm coming back too" kelvin muttered staring at his friend who seemed lost.

"Well, I guess so, I want my life to be normal again" Alex said trying his best not to sound too emotional.

"I promise to make everything normal again" kelvin said smiling,
"And oh yes before I forget, are you guys dating now, I mean you and my sister Kim"

"Nope, also right after you left your sister has been a bitch to us" Ashley didn't waste time to attack
"But everything's fine now, so it's all in the past"

"Yup and you just brought that up" Gerald nodded making Ashley look away.

"So Ulanni welcome to our click" kelvin said trying to ease the air.

"And who ever said I was joining your click?" She replied still looking down at her plate.

"Well you could join now" kelvin tried to persuade.

"Thanks but no thanks" she insisted

"Don't worry Ani, sooner later you will realize you've already joined us" Alex muttered trying to hide his smile which made Ulanni give him a threatening look but that only made him laugh out loud and after dead silence fell on the group again, Ashley still tried to hold back her tears, Alex kept on looking at Kelvin with that fear in his eyes, fear that he will go again, Gerald was busy sleeping while Ulanni just sat there with no expression on her face looking at her dead meat. Kelvin couldn't help but sigh, he knew that they were still shocked about all this, but he knew everything will be back to normal, just a matter of time.

"Hey guys, I hope you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment.
And the handsome guy at the side is kelvin
What do you think?
Bye guys!!

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