The Hidden Truth

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Well, another beautiful morning. Alex and Ulanni had a short talk about what happened and a long sleep, he regretted ever going there probably because he risked his life for an advice his grandmother would have told him, but that opened his mind a little bit and finally decided to let things slide. He has blamed himself for going back to the park even when their lives were at risk. He should just accept the sacrifice Kelvin his best friend made.

"Psssst hey Alex" Ashley whispered to Alex during lecture, this time she sat next to him. She didn't have time to see Alex in the morning because sweet Gerald had to involve her into an argument which led to a fight leading to mass punishment. She didn't want to take chances waiting for lectures to dismiss since like she already revised the topic anyways.

"What is it?" Alex whispered back trying to avoid her eye piercing gaze and also the teacher's suspicion.

"I checked for your father's uncle's side neighbor first daughter and I found out that your father uncles neighbor have six grown up boys, no girl and the only female in that house is their old maiden named Nina Brocks, she's fifty years old with no kids.
Can you explain that? Hugh!" Ashley muttered squinting her eyebrows tapping her fingers on her desk anxiously.

"Geez Ashley did you really check all that?" He replied back forgetting to whisper but still not surprised. Ashley knew all his family members, that's why he didn't tell her his first option which was that Ulanni is his cousin.

"Well I had to, since my best friend is hiding something from me" she replied almost instantly

"You are being too nosy ash" Alex said facing ahead with a frown.

"Then just tell me what's going on and I will stop being nosy, it's as simple as that don't you think?" she replied but this time he ignored her. She couldn't help but stare at the new girl at the front who seemed to be contemplating on something, lost in her own thought.

*bell rings* signaling the end of  class

"And where do you think you are going?"Ashley immediately shouted blocking his way
"C'mon Gerald don't just stand there, help me you owe me this"

"Fine fine, sorry man" Gerald sighed then held Alex tightly restricting his movement
"But may I know what's going on please?"

"Alex is hiding a secret about the new girl, you know? Ulanni." She replied circling them.

"What about the new chick?" Gerald asked nonchalantly knowing it's one of Ashleys jealousy

"Ashley I will tell you at the right time" Alex muttered trying to free himself from Gerald's grasp

"So there's really a secret? Are you guys dating or what? Not cool man you know she's exactly my type" Gerald said half jokingly, releasing him.

"She is not my girlfriend, you guys know i still like Kim, I don't want to put you guys into more trouble" Alex said packing his books.

"Gerald focus!!!hold him back he's trying to get away" Ashley said jumping on her feet

"Uhhhh you know you are making me more curious right?" Gerald muttered ignoring Ashley's request

"Gerald please" Alex begged
"don't allow Ashley drag you into this"

*Before they could continue their never ending discussion a guy came rushing into the class*

"Gerald!!Alex!! What are you guys still doing in class" the boy said catching his breath

"Last time I checked we still have five minutes before the next period" Ashley said checking the time

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