The Forbidden Room

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Alex has gotten better with his training, at least he can shove Gerald now and is finally worthy to compete with Ulanni, days have gone by faster than anyone could imagine and Alex could slowly but finally control some of his powers, it didn't take Alex long for him to progress with his magical powers cause he was actually hiding some of his capabilities because of fear and depression, but now there's no reason to.

"So how was school today?" Mrs Smith asked as they were peacefully having their lunch.

"Well Mum I recently joined the football team again, that's Incase you haven't heard" Alex replied as he fought with his broccoli.

"That's good sweetie, now I can finally wear that jersey again, what of you Ulanni, what's good?" Mrs Smith asked looking at Ulanni with an awaiting response.

"Well, emm I made new cool human friends, I joined the chess club and Kimberly asked me to be part of her team the "cheerleaders" which I find kinda boring and childish but I accepted due to the fact that she couldn't stop pestering me about it"

"Yes honey you need to join, you have the perfect body for it and who knows you could end up being their leader, you know when I was your age....."

"Mum!!!!" Daisy and Alex said at the same time, no one needs boring flashbacks.

"Okay, geez guys, you don't actually know what you are missing, so Daisy how was school today?" She asked waiting to hear one of her friends gossip and all that but...

"I quit my violin lessons" she simply said, with her head faced down.

"What!!! Daisy, why did you just quit playing violin without seeking my consent first" Mrs Smith asked clearly annoyed.

"Well I had to, I kinda find it boring now" daisy replied playing with her fork

"I can't believe this, you always loved playing it, and your father would be so disappointed hearing that"

"What my father? which father? Where is he? He is always locked in that same shitty room for years now, I played it because of him, and now that he's playing dead,no more!!" She cried out then ran out of the dining room, Mrs Smith was about to stand up but Ulanni gently held her hand, "wait let me handle this" and then she followed daisy to her room.

"Hey, can I come in?" Ulanni asked as she entered without waiting for a response, she saw the poor girl crying in her pillow.
"You know I've always wondered who your father was and all that but I didn't want to annoy anyone with my curiosity, I kinda know that there's a reason for everything and also why he's always in that room."

"What shitty reason? I can't find any reason why my father would be stocked in a place for three good years now" daisy replied with a very sad but yet sharp tone

"Well that's bizarre for me too" Ulanni mumbled as she walked around the room clearly thinking

"It all happened the day of Kelvin's accident, after that day my father has been in his own isolation"
"He was the reason why I ever joined violin classes, he loved hearing me play, he even suggested I should learn harping but I preferred the violin, he said that when I played I reminded him of angels, but now who I'm I playing for?" Daisy sadly replied as she cried bitterly into Ulanni's arm.

"You know I hate seeing you like this, I will try and find out the secret behind that room?"

"Really? You will help me?" Daisy asked she quickly wiped her tears.

"Yes but it's our little secret okay?"Ulanni whispered zipping her mouth with her two fingers

"Thank you so much Ulanni" she jumped and tightly hugged Ulanni's slim waist.

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