Changed her name

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Alex ran as fast as he could, far away from the danger behind him. Okay! Now he knows why his mum was worried sick all day, the few ones on the street were just staring at him, can't they see what was at his back?! He said to himself, then stopped when he noticed a dumpster, it looked so dark and empty but that was also the best place to hide.

He rashly turned back to see if she was still pursuing him but he couldn't see her anymore, that surely increased the fear he already had. He used that opportunity to hide behind an old empty truck.

He stayed waiting for the worst to happen and for the first time in many years he recited his rosary.

"I know you are here, come out!" He could hear her tired soft voice from the back, it sounded far yet near and helped increase his tension.

"Please come out" she pleaded

"What do you want? Leave me alone!" He shouted, as if tired of running away.
"Just leave! I know what you want, I know what creatures like you want"

"And what do we want exactly?"

"Nothing!" He screamed "just leave me alone, please"

"We are not all the same" the princess said as she elevated the truck and threw it far away with her fingers effortlessly.
"Well, of course we want the same thing but I come with a different approach"

"I don't know what you are talking about and don't you dare come any closer" he replied as he stood from the dirty floor facing her properly this time.

"You can look at me properly now!, well we are finally going somewhere"

"Just leave me alone!!" He screamed knowing that's the only thing he could do

"Please let me help you" she muttered stepping forward slowly
"I won't do you any harm"

"For the hundredth time I don't know what you are talking about!"

"You are a very special boy, even though you refuse to admit that. You have a great power, a light, which appears to you more like a curse because of the burden you had to endure. All I want to do is to help relieve you from this pain"

"What do you want to do with my powers?"
"What if I refuse?"
"Do you think you can just come in my life and tell me what to do?"
"Hidden power my foot !! Go look for an idiot to fool" Alex harshly voiced out without even remembering to breath, he already felt too weak, too scared, but also he wanted this, he needed it. He wants to be free from the light inside of him that won't seem to fade away anytime soon, though he could no longer see it but he could feel it, sometimes. This light haven't disturbed him for years, except the fact that he had to encounter strange creatures because of it , but he knew how to handle them, but now this?!

"I do need your powers to save my kingdom from its future obscurity, I was sent here on a mission from the devil king my father to find you. I am Hecate Gorgon form the demon race and I promise to try not to hurt you, but instead protect you from other hungry predators around, I know you've been in danger right from time and you don't have anyone to help you, so please don't see me as a trait but instead as a friend, your family could be in danger" she said in one go almost happy she got his full attention.

"Leave my family out of this" he yelled with frustration as he tightly clenched his fist.

"Then cooperate with me" then she stopped walking, looking at him straight in the eyes.
"Don't you want to know more about yourself?
Haven't you ever wondered why you are so different from the rest?
Haven't u felt strange and lonely?
Don't you want to get rid of the powers in you, I will help you, just please for heavens sake, let's end this! you are been too hard and I'm starting to get impatient

After what it seemed like forever

"What is your name?"Alex finally asked, he could see the surprise in her face cause he too was.

"I said it before but I will repeat it, I am princess Hecate Gorgon of the 5th devil kingdom, the bringer of death and giver of life an...."

"Ulanni" Alex interrupted, dusting his clothes disgusted cause of the way he looked. This is not the story he would like to tell anyone..

"Excuse me?"

"I am Alex from no kingdom but from the one and only Georgetown, let's see how it's going to be" he replied

"And that name I called you just now , that's what you will have to answer, no questions, no buts"

"I do not like the arrogant tone in your voice, but I'm going to let it slide it's already late and I'm pretty worn out." She replied then gave a short sigh then continued
"I don't mind you changing my name, I never planned on using it here in the first place, you guys aren't worthy, so Ulanni it is"

Alex didn't say anything anymore but led the way home though his voice was clearer he couldn't stop himself from trembling. He's about to bring a demon into his home. How is he going to end this? His family is at stake now, but all he had to do is go with the flow and wait, for now.

Hope you liked this new chapter
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Bye Amigos!!!!

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