Chapter 2

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Hello my name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive. A few years ago I was struck by lightning and now I'm working together with my two best friends Cisco Ramon and Catlin Snow at Star labs. There we study metahumans, who are people with special powers.

Due to me being struck by lightning, i've gained a lot of powers, such as speed, body vibration, electokinesis, Enhanced streng, aerokinesis, and a lot more. The Flash Team is composed by Caitlin Snow, that has the power of ice so her "alter ego" is called Killer Frost, Cisco, that is Vibe, who can predict a bit of the future and see the past. Harry Wells, that helps us solve the most problems related to chemistry and physics. And then we have Joe, who helps us more on the basis of police power, whenever they have a warning of a crime that does not seem at the normal beginning, he calls us to see if there is a possibility of being a metahuman .

My mother died when I was very small because of the Reverse Flash, which is the name Cisco invented for my main enemy and my father was arrested for a crime he did not commit. My father eventually died in Jay's hands and it was the worst time of my life, but fortunately I had my friends who helped me in this very bad phase of my life.

Today I am more stable and happy, I work at the CCPD as a CSI and I help at Star labs. I'm engaged to my best friend Iris West and we're getting married in a few months. Dating, being engaged or even married to her was my dream since I was little, I always liked her more than she liked me, since she was in love with Eddie, a co-worker at CCPD. When he died, we were getting even more closer and now we are getting married.

When I thought that everything was going in my life, something happens, that brings me down a little. And that thing was the death of HR Wells. Unfortunately, although we finally managed to defeat Savitar, the victory caused the death of a great friend of ours and a key member of Team Flash. Today was Wells' funeral day and we were all wasted, that is, some more than others as is normal.

- I Know that you've had a connetion with every Wells we've met, but ... well someting about this Wells.

- Yeah! Something ....- said Cisco. I gave him a hug and I went to the edge of Iris, but I stopped halfway after seeing Cailtin behind a tree.

- I am sorry about HR- said Caitlin.

- I am sure that he would appreciate you being here.

- Why did you come? - asked Iris.

- I don't know!

- Maybe you wanted to come home.- said Cisco.

- I don't have a home.

- Yes, you do Cailtin .. You do with you're friends.- said Iris.

- I am sorry. I am not Caitlin anymore.

- And you are not Killer Frost.- I said.

- No, i am not ... I'm something else, and I need to understand what that is ... On my own.

- Wait ....

- Cisco let me go.- said Caitlin leaving.

After Cailtin's "disappearance", we returned to the edge of our remaining friends, until a storm formed in the sky. We figured out that someone needed to go into the speed force prison to balance it and I volunteered to go, since it was a kind of "payment" after creating Flashpoint. After passing the command of the lab to Cisco, I said goodbye to my friends and joined the Speed ​​Force.


It is true that we already had "meetings" with various Well's, but HR was different from the others. We had a good relationship, considering his character and that's why I was more shaken than the rest of the people with his death. After talking to Caitlin I realized that Killer Frost had already given up on controlling her body and I understand her decision to want to find out who she is, outside the laboratory.

Barry's departure for Speed ​​Force has brought even more suffering to our lives, but it was his choice and if he volunteered, who were we to try to move him. One thing I learned, after living with Barry for a long time, is that when he gets an idea in his head, it is very complicated to get it out. The person most distraught with his departure was his best friend / girlfriend / fiancee, Iris West.

With Barry out of town, someone had to protect her from the attacks of meta-humans and that job was none other than Wally. Don't get me wrong, because he is a good kid and you can see that he is working hard, but he is not very competent, since in every four cases of attack, we only win two.

Although Barry left me the position of head of the laboratory to me, in a short time Iris started to take over that position. I was still willing to do it many times, but after a few weeks, I let the case go because it was going nowhere. Every day, after people left the lab, I spent a little more time working on a way to bring Barry home.

Six months after Barry disappeared, things made it even worse for our team. We had weeks that we were unable to capture any metahumans, not because Wally was not trying, as it was not the case, but something was wrong with the team.

I was monitoring the city's surveillance cameras, looking for any more suspicious activity, when a video link appeared. I uploaded and showed us an armored Samurai that threatens Central City to bring him the Flash or he would destroy it the next day . It was obvious that I alone couldn't get Barry back, but luckily I remembered the only perfect person for this task.

- Man, what a selection ... Any recomendations? - I asked to a guy that was at the bar.

- Yeah, drink somewere else.

- What can I get you? - asked Cailtin.

- Let's go with someting sweet, but strong and with a lot of ice.

- Shirley Temple, coming wright up.- said Caitlin smilling.

- What is a beautiful girl with two doctorates and a PHd doing in a rat's nest like this?

- Working. How did you find me?

- Because I'm great with computers and I have my own satellite. So do the math there.

- You vibed me.

- Yes! You seem less cold since the last time I saw you.

- What do you want?

- I want my drink to start. If you are back to normal I need to know why you are not back? - I asked but she gave me one of those looks that don't want to give answers.- Okay, I don't ask you anymore, but we need you!

- Is Barry still stuck in the Speed ​​Force?

- Did you know that ?! I'll get him out of there, but I need your help. I found a way to save him, but I can't do it without you. Can I count on you?

- My shift ends in an hour. 

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