Chapter 26

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After this little nightmare and after healing all my wounds, I went back to the side of my friends, who were in the control room. Cisco was advising Caitlin to go home and rest, as she had only slept two hours in these two days and had spent a lot of energy this morning.

"You should hear him," I said, joining him.

- I already said I would stay here with you guys. 

- It is already seen that we can't make you go home now, but at least you will leave earlier today.- said Cisco and she agreed, although a little upset.

- Since I am here, I will take advantage and do the last analysis to Felix.- she said leaving our border.

Forty minutes she returned to our side with a smile and told us that the formula had worked perfectly and that there were no signs of black matter in his system. We all went to Felix and when we got to the infirmary, I removed the handcuffs, which were holding his right hand to the bed, and we told him the good news. We went to the cortex, which was a small entrance, which existed before the metahuman prison and Cisco opened the portal to his dimension.

- I hope you can get close to your daughter.

- And if it doesn't, don't kidnap her again. You already saw that it is not a solution.- Caitlin said this time and we all laughed.

- Before entering, I would like to thank you all. You have given me a second chance to lead a normal life, I will not waste it.

Wells went to hug him and then Felix disappeared and the portal closed. We all went back to the control room, with the exception of Caitlin who went to tidy up the infirmary.

"Do you need help?" I asked, leaning against the door.

- Sure.- she replied smiling and I helped her to remove the sheets and to put some new ones.

- Thank you Cait.

- Why?

- For saving me. If it weren't for you, I think I would be dead at this hour.- I said, moving closer to her.

- But you're not and that's what matters. When I woke up and didn't see you by my side, I was very scared. I thought I was going to lose you forever! "She exclaimed, shedding a small tear.

- Hey, calm down. I'm here, aren't I? "I said, wiping her tears with my finger.

- But you might not be ... If I had arrived a few minutes later ...

- But you didn't ... I'm here, safe and sound and it's all because of you. Do not think more about what could have happened, it is no longer worth it.

I was getting closer to her every time, but of course good things never last long, because someone had to interrupt us. We quickly moved away and when we looked at the door, we saw a smiling Cisco.

- I just came to say we are going to have lunch ... But if you want I can come back later.

"Don't be silly, come on," said Caitlin, leaving the infirmary, leaving me stunned by what just happened.

We all left the lab and went to lunch at Jitters, where Joe and Iirs were already waiting for us. The truth is that I was full of hunger, since I haven't eaten anything since last night and by Caitlin's look I realized that she was feeling the same.

We all ordered a steak with chips, rice and room except for Iris who ordered pasta with shrimp. Ten minutes after we ordered, the clerk came to bring our orders and had never seen Caitlin eating at that speed. After the main course, the staff ordered coffee, except Caitlin and I, who ended up ordering two ice cream cups with three balls, each.

Mine had a vanilla ball, a strawberry and a chocolate ball while Caitlin's ice cream had a strawberry, a mint and a coffee. After we finished eating, we went to pay and each one went back to our job, in my case I went with Joe to the CCPD, because today I had to be there all afternoon.

In the afternoon we had a robbery case that ended in the murder of the store owner, so I went to the scene with my CSI kit to collect evidence. Inside the store, I picked up some fingerprints on the door and picked up the knife that was used in the homicide and after they took the body, I returned to the CCPD to start analyzing the evidence I collected.

I was not lucky with the fingerprints because they belonged to people who had no registration, that is, they should be customers of the store, but on the knife it was another story, because I got a partial fingerprint on the tip of the knife. I put the printout on the computer and ten minutes, the alert went off and I saw that the printout belonged to a man who has been arrested a few times for theft.

I gave all the information to Joe, who went, together with his partner, to the address where the man's ex-girlfriend lived. An hour later they returned, with the suspect and Joe's colleague, took him to the saddles. I took all the paperwork with the results and my report of this case to the captain and then I was able to relax in my office.

"I thought you were in need of this," said Joe, leaving a cup of coffee on my desk.

- You can't imagine how ... It seems like I haven't slept in two weeks. I'm so tired.

- Well, it's normal, especially after the morning you had today.

Fortunately the time to leave quickly arrived and after leaving the CCPD, I went straight home, where I barely put my head on the pillow, I fell asleep like a baby. I don't remember the last time I slept as well as today, but I know I woke up very well. As today I was only going to the CCPD in the afternoon, I got dressed, had breakfast, went to brush my teeth and left the house towards STAR Labs.

When I got there and entered the control room, I didn't see Caitlin, which was a little strange, because she is usually here at this hour. I asked Cisco where she was and he replied that she only came in the afternoon today, because she had called him to say that she was still very sleepy.

It is also very normal that she is still exhausted, that is to say two nights in a row without sleep and the previous morning, she had to use her powers without having breakfast, it wears out anyone! I decided that at the end of the morning, I would stop by her house and still take her lunch.

As time went by, people were arriving at the laboratory. First came Wally, then Harry and finally Ralf, who brought us coffee. Like me, everyone was amazed at Caitlin's absence, but after Cisco gave them the explanation behind her absence, they understood and started doing their daily tasks, that is, whoever had them, of course.

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