Chapter 12

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Two weeks later...


These two weeks made me realize that I really miss Barry and I missed being with him every day, all the time. The only problem that is still opposed is his approach to Caitlin. She just doesn't inspire confidence and I think she's trying to do anything to steal Barry from me.

Since the day we decided to take a break, I have always seen them together, it is in the supermarket, it is in the park and even at our house. Although Barry swears to me together that they are just friends, I just can't believe him. However, I miss him so that's why I sent him a message to arrange to meet at Jitters for coffee.

I left the house early, since in forty minutes I had to be in the newspaper and went to Jitters. When I got there Barry wasn't there yet, so I sat down at one of the free tables and ordered two coffees and a cake. Ten minutes later he was there, walking through that door and he sat across from me.

- I'm going to get straight to the point, because there is no reason to go around the bush. I've been thinking these past few days and I came to the conclusion that I really miss you and that I want to get back what we had.

- Seriously? I also missed you so much ....

- However, I still don't like your relationship with Caitlin.

- If you called me here to accuse me again, you can turn around and leave.

- It's time to choose, Barry.

"Choose what?" He asked, confused.

- Me or her.

- Excuse me?!

- Yes, you heard me right ... If you want me to come back to you, you have to stop being friends with Caitlin. How will it be, Barry? Me or her?

- You are crazy ... You have no right to make me choose between you two.

- It should be an easy choice ...

- But what choice, what? I'm not going to stop being friends with Caitlin just because you got the crazy idea of ​​me cheating on you with her.

- I'll give you until tomorrow night to give me a definitive answer.- I said and I left the cafe, leaving him astonished with my ultimatum.


Did this just happen? Did she make me an ultimatum ?! She's crazy if she thinks I'm going to end a friendship, just because of her sick jealousy. I ended up buying two more coffees and went to the lab, because by this time both Cisco and Caitlin should have arrived, but when I got there it was just Cisco.

- It's all right? I passed Iris and she was furious.

- We had a conversation, but it was crazy.

- Why? What did she tell you? - Cisco asked curiously.

- What I'm going to tell you is to stay just between the two of us ... Cailtin can't know this. The reason I and Iris took a break was because Iris accused me of cheating on her with Caitlin.

- What? But is this girl crazy ?!

- I thought the same ... Today she texted me to go to Jitters to talk. I thought she was going to apologize to me and that we were going to come back, but she ended up giving me an ultimatum.

- And what was it?

- If I want to go back to her, I have to get away from Caitlin.

- Are you kidding me? Iris freaked out. And you? What did you say to her?

- That she must be crazy if she thought I was going to end my friendship with Caitlin because of the little blankets that are hanging over her head. I mean, it is bad enough that she thinks I have an affair with Cailtin and still wants to interfere with my friendships ... It's crazy!

- And her?

- She said to give her a definitive answer by tomorrow. Do you think this is normal?

"Good morning, boys," Caitlin said, putting her things down on the desk.

- I brought you coffees, but unfortunately now I have to go, because I have to be at the CCPD early, otherwise I am still fired.- I said leaving the laboratory.

When I got to the CCPD, I noticed that Joe was talking to our boss, so I went to my office. As much as I tried, this ultimatum that Iris made me couldn't get out of my head. I love Iris very much, I have always loved her since I was a child, but I am not willing to end a friendship with Caitlin just to satisfy my girlfriend's madness.

A conversation that I thought was going to liven up my day turned out to be the complete opposite, it just left me even more confused and sad than what I already was. I had no head for anything. My luck, at least for now, was that the only thing I had to do at the CCPD was to fill out paperwork and sign the authorizations for the detectives to collect the results of the analyzes I had done in the cases they were working.

Today was to forget, after leaving CCPD, I went through the laboratory and there that night Caitlin was a little weird but as soon as I asked her what was going on, she completely changed the subject. If my head hadn't been so busy with the thought of the ultimatum, I would persist until she told me what was going on, but this time I went home without trying to "get" the truth out of Caitlin.

I was at my doorstep and I realized that I didn't feel like entering yet, so I turned around and went to the park to clear up my ideas. It was almost nine o'clock when I entered my house ... I was not hungry, so I chose to take a shower and sit on the couch watching TV, it could be that I was a little distracted.

In the morning I woke up with some neck pain from sleeping on the couch. I went to wear something and after having breakfast, I left the house to go to STAR Labs, because as I only had to be at the CCPD at eleven, I took advantage and was with my two best friends.

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