Chapter 11

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After arriving home with the purchases and putting them in the closets, I went to change clothes, because I wanted a more comfortable outfit, which was just for me to be home. I know I was the one who gave the idea to give our relationship a break, but it is costing me more than I would think.

On top of that, this house does not help anything, as it is huge for just one person and there were still things from Iris everywhere. Caitlin and Cisco have been an extraordinary help, as they keep me company and try to cheer me up all day and I thank them very much for everything they do for me.

Tomorrow I return to the CCPD and I confess that I already miss being there. Sometimes my fellow detectives are a little boring and intrusive in the lives of others but deep down they are good people. As I only had to be at the CCPD at ten, I took advantage and went to STAR Labs for a while, meet with the staff and then head to the police station.

At dinner time, I ended up making two omelets and that's what I ate, because I didn't feel like doing anything else elaborate. After dinner and washing up, I sat on the sofa and turned on the television. I ended up watching a movie that was on a channel and without realizing it, I ended up falling asleep on the couch.

I woke up, with ten minutes to go before waking time. I took advantage and went to take a quick shower and then get dressed. Before going to STAR Labs, I went through Jitters, to get coffee and something to eat and went on my way to the lab. When I got there, Cisco and Caitlin were back from surveillance cameras.

It was time to go to the CCPD, so I started on my way there and when I arrived I was met by one of my colleagues.

- Allen, good eyes see you ... I could see you never came back.

- Allen take your equipment and go to Joe downtown, because we have a new case.- said the captain and I went to my laboratory to get my things.

When I got there, I saw a store with broken glass and two people on the floor inanimate. The ambulance was already here to treat the wounded and Joe was inside. I started by picking up the fingerprints of the remaining pieces of windows, then removed them at the entrance door and at the rear and finally went inside, to see if there was anything that could help.

With everything collected, Joe and I went back to the CCPD and went to my laboratory to analyze everything I had collected at the scene of the robbery. I didn't find many fingerprints, but the ones I can pick up, which were on the door, belonged to a burglar who had already been arrested and had been released on parole just two weeks.

Joe sent a duo to patrol the places where he used to appear, while he went to talk to the alleged assailant's girlfriend. Until lunchtime there was no news, as the man seemed to have disappeared from the map. I had agreed to go to lunch with Jitters with Caitlin and Cisco and I invited Joe to come and have a meal with us and he accepted.

When we arrived at Jitters, Cisco and Caitlin were already sitting there at a table and after we sat down, we ordered our lunch. Joe and I ordered a steak the style of the house, Cisco ordered pasta with Bolognese and Caitlin ordered the chicken salad.

After lunch, we went to pay and Joe and I went back to the CCPD. It was mid-afternoon and so far no sign of our man, but I was amazed when I got a call from Caitlin.

- Call Joe to your side.

"I'm here, what's going on?" Said Joe after I called him.

- I just sent you an address, you have to go there quickly.

"But why?" I asked, a little confused.

- I may have used my computer's facial recognition program and found your man.

- Seriously?! Caitlin you are fantastic ... Thank you.- Joe said this time and I hung up the call to go to the place that Caitlin had sent me.

When we got there, we noticed that it was a small abandoned warehouse and the door was half open. We went in and saw our man saving the stolen money, inside some boxes. He still offered some resistance as soon as he saw us, but it was only a matter of minutes before we managed to apprehend him and take him to the CCPD.

While Joe took the assailant to one of the saddles that were free, I went to my lab to finish the reports on this "mission", to deliver to our boss. After finishing the analysis reports and handing them over to the boss, I went to my office to do some paperwork.

When it was time for me to leave, I packed my things and left, still going through the STAR Labs lab, to see if everything was okay over there and be with my two best friends for a while.

"Did you manage to catch him?" Asked Caitlin, after reaching their edge.

- We did it ... Thanks again Caitlin, without your help, maybe at this hour we would still have no idea where he could be.

- Now, it was a pleasure to help our police solve this case.

I was with them until it was time to close the laboratory and then we followed separate paths, as each of us went to his home. I got home and went to change clothes and started making my dinner. I was peeling some potatoes when they ring the bell. I went to open it and saw that it was Caitlin. I invited her in, she put her things on the couch and I went back to my potatoes.

- Cisco and I had the idea to surprise you, but he just called me saying he couldn't come after all. It seems that the cousins ​​on the father's side arrived today and were at his door.

- Well I was starting to make dinner ... But if you want you can stay here and we have dinner together.

- I accept the invitation, but let me help you please.

While I was finishing peeling the potatoes, Caitlin made the rice. Almost an hour later we had dinner almost ready and we just needed to set the table. Cailtin offered to do that, but I told her that she was my guest and that she would just stay with me.

With everything ready, she sat at the table while I put the food on the table. Dinner was pleasant and fun, and it always is when I'm with her. We were just starting to get the table up and wash the dishes when the doorbell rings. We still thought it was Cisco, but as soon as I opened the door I came across Iris.

- Sorry to come at this hour, but I just left the newspaper now and forgot something here that I miss.

"Sure, come on in," I said, giving her space to go inside and get what she needed, but when she barely saw Caitlin, she stopped halfway and looked angry, but fortunately said nothing.

She went to our room and seconds later returned with a box. She looked at me, Caitlin and the table and without saying anything went to the door. I wanted to clarify the situation, because if I know her well, she must be finding things that are not true.

- Iris wait.- I said running to the edge of it.

- Now I understand why you want to give our relationship a break. It wasn't for us to think better, but because you wanted to be with her at ease.

- It's not like that ... Iris she just came to surprise me .. Cisco also  came but he was held up with his family and had to cancel at the last minute.

- Do you think I'm a fool? Do you really want me to believe that? You know, you might as well admit at once that you two have an affair ... That was better than making a fool of me.

- I'm not making you look fool ... What I said is true, me and Caitlin are just friends, nothing more than that. You have to believe me, Iris.

- Yeah, but I don't believe it. Now good night and make the most of your time with your beloved.- Iris said getting into the car and left.

I don't believe she still thinks I am cheating on her with Caitlin. I don't think this time is working, but it's only been two days ... Let's see what the future holds.

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