Chapter 13

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I was arriving at the control room when I heard my name. I didn't want to hear the conversation, but my curiosity spoke louder and I ended up stopping halfway down the hall to hear better. Of course, from time to time I would look everywhere to make sure that no one was coming to see me in these figures.

What does Iris think? So I think it's explained why she is treating me so badly. Okay, the reason is very stupid, but I don't feel well that their relationship is like that because of me.

I decided that the best thing to do was to come in and pretend I hadn't heard anything. But it was not going to be easy! After Barry left to go to the CCPD, I sat at my desk and what I heard was not out of my head. I don't want to be the cause that one of my best friends is unhappy.

The rest of the day was calm, that is, we did not have alerts of attacks by metahumans, which was great for me, because then I wouldn't have to be with Barry. After his shift at the CCPD, he stopped by, as he always does, and I noticed as soon as he arrived, that he was a bit dejected and I couldn't help feeling a little guilty.

I also noticed that he noticed that something was wrong with me, but fortunately he didn't question much. I got home, did my usual routine, which consisted of taking a shower, wearing more comfortable clothes, watching some television and then making my dinner. I can say 100% that I stayed up most of the night thinking about what I could do to improve Barry's situation and after much consideration I had an idea.

The idea would not make me very happy, but I think it is the best thing that can be done to improve Barry's life and consequently his relationship with Iris. As soon as I woke up, after just four hours of sleep, I decided to put my idea into practice. I took out my cell phone and made a small call before leaving the house.

When I arrived at the laboratory, I saw that they were already there, so I think it was time to tell them the news. I put my things down on the desk and asked the two of them to give me five minutes of their attention.

- I just want to tell you how happy I am to have the pleasure of being able to work with you both ... So it is with great regret that I announce that this will be my last day here at the STAR Labs laboratory.

- Last day? Cait, what is this conversation? - Cisco asked as confused as Barry.

- As you know, I worked for a while at the Mercury laboratory and when I came here, my boss told me that there was always a place for me if I wanted to go back to work there. Well, this morning I spoke to them and I'm going to be part of a new study team, which they created not long ago.

- But why?

- I just think I need to change the air. I don't say it will be forever, but I think it will do me good to go there. I don't ask you to understand my decision, I just ask you to support me.

- Cait ...- Barry said a little sadly.

- I'm going to start packing my things, - I said leaving the room where I was and went to the infirmary.

"Are you sure it's the best thing to do? Are you really going to leave your friends and your home just because of a crazy person?" - KF.

"Maybe not, but right now it is the only thing that comes to mind to help. So he won't have to choose any of us!"

"You are too good for this world, Caitlin Snow." - KF.

- Cait, why are you leaving this lab? I thought you would like to be here.- Barry said leaning against a wall.

- And I like it, but ...

- Then explain to me why you should leave.

- Because I don't want you to choose, - I said, shedding my first tear. This decision of mine was costing me more than I expected.

- To choose? But how so? I don't understand .... Wait, you heard it, didn't you?

- Yes, it was not because I wanted to, but when I arrived I heard the final part of the conversation with Cisco. I don't want to be the reason you're not with your bride ... Barry I know how much you love her.

- Of course I do, but ...

- But nothing. I don't want you to choose ... It's not fair to have to choose between a friendship with me and a relationship with her. That's why I chose it for you!

- Cait.- Barry sighed, approaching me a little, but I moved away. - And do you think it is right to give up your work in this laboratory so that I can have a relationship with her?

- It doesn't matter if it's fair or not! I can't stand to see you this way ... And if there's anything I can do to help you, why not. In fact, the Mercury lab is not that bad.

- It is not, but it is not your home either.

- Barry I don't expect you to understand or even agree with my decision ... I just want you to support me, even though you think what I'm doing is the biggest stupidity in the world.

- But Cait ....

"Do you support me?" I asked him. I can now say that my tears were forming a small lake in the middle of the infirmary.

- I do.- Barry said and came to hug me.

Being like this in his arms, makes me think twice about the decision I made ... Maybe it's the biggest stupid thing I've ever done, or maybe not. We were in each other's arms for a few minutes, but then we stoped and I continued to pack my things.

- I know I won't get you to change your mind, but can I at least ask you something?

- Of course ... Whatever you want.

- Don't leave without saying goodbye to me first. At the end of my shift at CCPD, I will stop by ... Don't leave here without me arriving, please.

- It's promised!

After our conversation, Barry left to go to the CCPD and I stayed here thinking about our conversation. Moving away from this lab, which was like my second home, from Cisco and Barry was the thing that was costing me the most, but it was what had to be done.

I left the infirmary and joined Cisco in the control room. How is it possible that I haven't left yet and yet, I miss this place already ?!

"Cait?" Asked Cisco, turning his chair over to me. "Is there really no way for you to reconsider your decision?

- Unfortunately no! Sorry Cisco, I know that we have been through a lot together in this lab and that my decision is sudden, but ...

- Hey, I'm not upset. If you think getting out of here is what you have to do, then I support you. Because I am sure that if it were the other way around, you would be the first person to support me.

- Thanks Cisco! For not judging me ...

- I never would! Although it costs me a lot, your well-being is the most important. Let's just enjoy your last few hours here.

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