Chapter 7

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The next morning, Iris and I barely spoke to each other, which was strange since we live in the same house and work in the same place. When we arrived at STAR Labs, there were only Cisco and Caitlin, who realized the strange climate that hung over us both, although Caitlin already knew, more or less, what was going on.

"Guys, we have an alert in the downtown area," said Cailtin, after hearing the alarm coming from his computer.

I went to get equipped and then I joined Wally and together we went to see what was going on and what metahuman it was. When we got there, we noticed that he was a man who had the power to turn into stone. Of course, for us it was more complicated, because he could be very strong, but after some struggle and a lot of persistence, there we managed to defeat him and bring him to the metahuman prison that we have in STAR Labs.

"Another mission successfully accomplished," said Caitlin, giving Cisco a high five.

- I already missed this.- I said arriving at the laboratory, together with Wally and we went to change clothes.

"Yeah, I confess that too," said Cailtin, smiling.

"You wouldn't missed it, if you hadn't left," exclaimed Iris in a whisper, but as I managed to hear, I saw by Cailtin's face that she too had heard, she had just chosen not to say anything about it.

"Iris, do you think we can talk in an instant?" I said, leading her out into the hall, without waiting for her answer. "I know you're upset because of yesterday's discussion ..."

"I'm forgive you." she said, showing a small smile.

- I didn't come to apologize to you. I just came to call your attention that the rest of the people are not to blame if you're upset with me or not. And certainly Caitlin doesn't have to hear that shit, just because of what happened in the past.

- Are you going to defend her? Of course, you should already know ...

- What does that mean? - I asked surprised by her comment and I confess that I was also a little tired of her comments. - I only defend her because she is not to blame for your mood swings. Personal problems are at the door and inside, we all have to maintain a positive professional relationship, otherwise this will not work.

- As you wish, now if you give me permission I'll go back to my brother's edge. - Iris said leaving my edge even more upset with me than I already was.

I didn't have the head to go back inside already, so I sat on the stairs and kept thinking about our discussions. I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't even notice Caitlin sitting next to me.

- Are you ok?

- More or less, I don't understand why she is acting this way. I mean, I know she is upset that we postponed our marriage and the fact that I "abandoned" her for six months, but now that I'm here, I think we should enjoy the time we are together. Since I came back the only thing we've been doing is discussing ...

- You have to give her time, Barry. She is still assimilating the idea of ​​having you here by her side ... You will see that in time things will return to normal and with the help of Mrs. Beckett, things will work out.

- Okay, but that doesn't justify the attitude she's been having with you lately. Doesn't that bother you?

- A lot, but in a way, she's a little right ... I left you guys behind for a long time.

- Yes, but you had good reason to do so. If I were in your situation, I would do the same.

- I know so ... We are very similar, in the way we think the same way in most subjects, but Iris is different. She has different ways of seeing the world than we do, and we have to be patient and give her time.

Honestly, I don't know how Caitlin does it, but she always makes me more excited. The rest of the morning went something like this, Iris was sitting in a corner talking to her brother and I was in the company of my two best friends.

After lunch, it was time for our first consultation with the psychologist and I hope this does not worsen our relationship, as that is not the goal. The lady called us and inside she asked us questions about us and our relationship and we told, at the top, what was causing our discussions.

After forty-five minutes, which was the time we had the session, we left the office and while I went back to the lab, Iris went out with her friend, the same one from yesterday.

- So what did you think of the lady? How did the consultation go? "Asked Caitlin.

- She seem very friendly and the consultation was more or less. We just had to do a kind of presentation and we told what was going on, that is, the fact that I left and returned six months later. But one thing I noticed, is that she spends almost the entire consultation writing in that notebook.

- Ah! That is normal, with me and Ronnie the same thing happened.

"And didn't Iris come with you?" Asked Cisco.

- No, she went out with a friend.

- What a relief! I'm sorry, buddy, but she's getting more and more insurmountable.

"Cisco ?!" exclaimed Caitlin. "That was not very nice to say to a friend of yours."

- Sorry but it's true. Since she took "possession" of the reins of this team, she is unbearable.

The rest of the afternoon started to run and when we found out, it was time to go home. As today was Friday, Cisco had the idea of ​​going out to dinner and then having a little time, just the three of us. I thought it was a brilliant idea and texted Iris to say that she wasn't going to have dinner at home.

I just went home to take a quick shower and change clothes, but I went in and out of the house and didn't even see Iris. We were to meet at Caitlin's house, and then go in her car to the shopping center. When I arrived, I rang the bell and she came to open the door for me and told me that Cisco was almost there.

I sat on his couch waiting for the third member of our "gang" and when he arrived, we left the house towards the shopping center. I even used my speed to get there, but as it is a place where there is a lot of people, it is better not to risk it.

We arrived at the shopping center in forty minutes, since there was some traffic and after parking, we went to see where we were going to have dinner. We ended up there at a restaurant where there was a carvery and after eating literally all the meat we wanted, we paid for dinner and went for a walk around the stores.

As expected, Cisco entered all the technology stores that were in this shopping center, but without buying anything strictly. We went to a bookstore and Cailtin bought some books and Cisco ended up buying one about his professional area.

To tell you the truth, I already missed these programs for three ... We always spent a good time and, speaking for myself, I arrived home always more excited than when I left. When I got home, it was almost one in the morning, not because we left the shopping center very late, as it is only open until midnight and a half, but the traffic to leave was chaos and we still left Cisco at home .

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