Chapter 24

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Every day this month, Cisco and Wells were trying to cure the metahumans and after some samples didn't work, they thought they had finally found the right formula, they just needed to test it on someone and that someone would be neither more nor more less than Felix.

Before administering it to him, we talked to him and warned that there could be side effects, as it was the first time we were going to test it, but he wanted to go back to his daughter's side and for that his best option was this formula.

While Caitlin was preparing the infirmary, I went to get the prisoner, with Ralf's help, because if something happened, he would be there to support me and we went to Caitlin's side. Felix layed down on the bed and Cailtin administered the cure. The next few seconds, we saw that he was sweating a little but that could have meant that the cure was working until he fell asleep.

Caitlin took the opportunity to do some blood for analysis and half an hour later the results showed that the amount of black matter in his system is decreasing, which was a good sign, because we wanted to say that the cure was correct.

Two hours later Felix woke up with some headaches, Caitlin again took a blood sample and did the tests again and these revealed that he had no black matter in his system, that is, the formula had worked.

- That means ...- said Felix after hearing the results of the analysis.

- You can finally go home - concluded Caitlin. - Although I want to keep you here for a night or two to make sure it worked, but after that, you can finally go home and start your life again with your daughter.

The deal with Felix was that he was still here at STAR Labs for two days and that after that if everything stayed as it is now, he could go to his home. Of course, in the next two days, someone would have to stay here to take care of him, in case something was needed. We let him rest, as he still looked tired and we went to the control room, where we could talk with more privacy.

- We have to see who keeps watch at night. During the day it is not necessary, as we are all here, but at night, only the security guard remains.

- Caitlin should stay the two nights, - said Ralf and we all looked at him without realizing it. - Imagine that he has dizziness or something worse happens, she is the only one who can take care of him.

- Ralf is right. -said Caitlin, understanding what he meant.

- Very well, Caitlin stays both nights, but she will not be alone. Today someone stays with her and tomorrow someone else stays with her.

- I can stay with her today, I don't care, - said Ralf.

- So you stay with her tonight and I stay tomorrow.- I said and everyone agreed.

The rest of the day was calm, there were no struggles against any metahuman and so it was better for us to control our "patient". The time for us to leave quickly came, so we said goodbye to Caitlin and Ralf and left the building, warning the security guard that they were going to stay here all night.


The team left the building, leaving me alone with Ralf, Felix and of course, the security guard. He came to our side and told us that if we needed anything, we should tell him. While Ralf was talking to the security guard, I went to the infirmary to talk to Felix.

- May I come in? - I asked at the door. - I just came to tell you that if you need anything during the night, don't hesitate to call me.

- Thank you for what you're doing for me.

- Don't thank us, we are all entitled to a second chance. - I said, leaving his side and I joined Ralf, who was sitting at Cisco's secretary.

Half an hour later Cisco appeared, with a bag of food and drink. He left the bag on the floor next to his desk and left because he had his girlfriend at the door of the building waiting for him. It seems like tonight I was going to have pizza and chips, which wasn't too bad. While I took things out of the bag, Ralf went to Cisco's inventions room to bring a table to put things on.

I separated three slices of pizza and some french fries, took a bottle of water and took it to Felix, who accepted the food with a smile and started eating, as soon as I left the infirmary. I put on the camera that showed the ward in full screen and Ralf and I started to have dinner.

I even admit that the time with Ralf was well spent. He was a very funny guy and he managed to keep me from falling asleep for a while. He well told me to sleep, that he would take care of everything, but I didn't feel well doing it. In the morning the first person to appear was Barry, with coffee for me and Ralf. As he had to go to the CCPD, practically all day, he wanted to stop by to see how we had spent the night and then left.

I took advantage that it was still early and went to sleep for a while, leaving Ralf to take care of the laboratory and our "patient". I woke up two hours later with a noise in the control room, which came from the lively conversation between Cisco and Ralf. I was already awake and I was better off going back to work, so I got off the couch and went to them.

- Ralf you can go to sleep now you, me and Cisco take care of this.- I said and he gave me a tired smile and went to the room where I had gone to sleep. It wasn't a very big room, it was just a small storage room, but it contained a sofa, so we could use it to sleep.

Although I was still a little tired, I tried my best in the lab. This day, it was like yesterday, calm, which I really appreciate, because I don't know if I have the energy to fight with a metahuman ... I mean neither me nor Ralf. This day consisted of checking the city's surveillance cameras and taking care of Felix. The analyzes I did showed the same results as yesterday, so I think I can assume that the cure was working, but it is still better to keep him here tonight too, just to be sure.

It was half past six when Barry arrived with packages of Jitters food. The team left and then there was just me and Barry, then joining the security guard who was surprised to see me there again. We explained that we would have to stay here tonight. At dinner time, I had an idea that Barry even liked, that it was instead of Felix having dinner alone, we went to him, so we took two chairs and sat next to his bed.

At the end of dinner, me and Barry left Felix alone, for him to rest and we went to the control room and sat at the desks, me at mine and he at Cisco's. Barry still tried to get me to get some sleep, due to my tired face, but I didn't give a hand to twist.

- There's really no way to accept it, is there?

- You should know that no, so it's not even worth trying.

We spent the whole night talking about a thousand and one things until it was time for people to start arriving. All together, they managed to convince me to go home today and rest, as I had not slept for two days. Barry and I ended up leaving the building, but before we left, I promised that I would come here in the afternoon to do Felix one last analysis.

As I was unable to drive my car, he ended up offering to drive it. We went to the parking lot next to STAR Labs and something strange happened. I don't remember what it was, I just remember Barry shouting my name and then I fell asleep.

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