Chapter 8

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One month later...

A month has passed since the first consultation we had with the psychologist and things between us were not much better. I mean in the first two weeks, they seemed to improve, but for some reason now our relationship was worse than ever. Whenever we were together we ended up arguing and I know that we have to have a serious talk about it, because things like that can't go on.

However, I also learned that Iris got a job offer in a newspaper where her friend works, as it seems that they were looking for a journalist and the friend indicated her for the position and after some deliberation, Iris was accepted. Of course, this made her very happy, as her dream is to be a journalist, as she was before she came to help us here at STAR Labs. She was still reluctant to accept the proposal and her possible future boss gave her a week to consider the proposal and respond.

"Today is the last day to answer," said Iris.

"And do you already know if you're going to accept it?" Asked Wally.

- I think you should accept.- I said simply giving my opinion.

- Me too, this opportunity does not arise every day.- Caitlin commented.

- But someone asked you for an opinion?

"Iris ?!" I exclaimed a little shocked by my girlfriend's reaction.

- What? Are you going to defend her?

- Yes, she was just giving her opinion, as I was and as your brother too. You have no reason to talk to her like that.

- She's the one who has nothing to listen to other people's conversation.

"What the hell is going on with you?" Caitlin asked this time, raising her voice a little. "It is not my fault that you are jumping with hormones, but don't let your frustrations get on me. Besides, if that matter was so private, you shouldn't be talking about it in a place full of people."

- I do not unload anything on you, I just do not think it is right that you are giving your opinion on matters that have nothing to do with you.- said Iris, increasingly irritated. I noticed that Joe had arrived, but on hearing the discussions he chose to come to my side and say nothing.

- Sorry to tell you but this is not true. Since I got here you're always sending mouths. If you don't like me, tell me in the face, don't talk badly about me behind my back.

- But you must think that I have nothing else to do but talk about you?

- Listen, Iris, I don't want to be disrespectful, but since the day Barry came back, you've always had a bad time with me. I understand that you are not happy, that I left those months but I needed space and time.

- And did you conveniently find the best time to return only when Barry also returned? Don't you think it's too much of a coincidence?

- I just came back that day because Cisco asked me. He wanted my help to bring our friend back and I came. This is my home and it always was, long before you decided to be the head of this team, which I still don't understand why.

"And then I'm the one who's crazy ... Okay, okay." - KF

- Aren't you going to say anything? Are you going to let her talk to me like that? "Asked Iris indignantly, facing me.

- Barry has nothing to do with this ... This problem is between the two of us ... I just want a peaceful environment at my workplace.

- Of course and you had to defend each other ... How cute!

"Maybe it wasn't a very good idea to come back," Caitlin said to Cisco.

- Now there is something we can both agree on. This team was just fine without you.- said Iris and Joe realized that this was the right time to intervene.

- Iris, that's enough!

- I'll get some air.- said Cailtin leaving the room where we were.

- Are you kidding right? Are you going after her instead of supporting your bride? "Asked Iris, as soon as she saw me heading towards the door.

- I will because this time my fiancee exaggerated.- I said and left the room, to go after Caitlin.

I still thought she was in the hallway, sitting on the stairs, because that's usually where we're going if we want to think but as she talked about getting some fresh air, I went to the front door and there she was, sitting on a garden bench that was on the edge the door.

"Do you think I made the right choice?" Asked Caitlin, after realizing that I was sitting next to her.

- About what?

- My return.

"You don't even think you're going to doubt your choices just because of that nutcase! You're a lot better than that, Caitlin Snow."- KF

- I always thought I had made the right decision when I returned to the team, but now ... I'm not so sure about that.

- Of course you made the right choice ... I honestly don't know why Iris is like this, but I know that you belong with us.

- Thank you for coming to see if I was okay. But do you think I can ask you a quick question?

- Of course, tell me.

- Why are you here with me and not inside to calm your bride?

The thing is that I don't even know the answer. I know that perhaps the most logical thing to do was to be inside trying to understand why Iris spoke to Caitlin that way, but my intuition just told me to come to her and that's what I did.

I definitely had to have a serious conversation with Iris, not only for what happened now but also for the sake of our relationship and our sanity. Caitlin told me she was going to end today and was going home to rest, but first she asked me to get her things in there, because she didn't want to make things worse with Iris or risk Killer Frost leaving to assist her.

When I got to the room, only Cisco and Wally were there, still a little shuffled and shocked by what had just happened. I took Caitlin's suitcase and coat and went to deliver it. Before she left, I asked her to text me when she got home, so I could get more rest.

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