Chapter 4

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I woke up in bed, in the STAR Labs nursery, and around me were my two best friends, Joe, Wally and the woman of my life. I didn't really remember the time I spent in Speed ​​Force, but I'm delighted to have come home.

I spent some time talking to Joe and he told me everything that had happened in the six months that he had been gone. Apparently Joe had told our captain that I had gone to my mother's homeland to solve some family problems. Of course, the captain thought it was strange, but he came to understand why I left Central City for so long.

Although I left the position of head of team Flash, apparently who has been leading the staff has been Iris and from what Cisco told me, the results have not been very promising. He also told me how things were going with Caitlin, since the last time I was with her, she was a little confused about her identity, but from what I saw today, it seems that she was the same Caitlin as always.

Joe still had to go through the CCPD, so he left the lab and Cisco came to my side, but I noticed that Caitlin didn't come with him, which was strange because they were supposed to be together. When I asked him about her, he told me that she had some personal matters to do but that she would be back tomorrow.

- Cisco again thanks for bringing me back. I knew you weren't going to give up until you brought me back.

- Do you really think I'd give up? Of course not! But without Cailtin's help, you probably wouldn't be here by now.

- Speaking of which, how is she? You know, about the Killer Frost situation.

- I think she's fine. 

- I'm glad ... She's been through so much this past year, I think she deserves a little peace. What about things in the lab? I already knew about the missions ...

- We did our best, although it didn't go well most of the time. But now we have Flash on our side and things can only get better.

- It feels good to be home.

"Do you really remember anything that happened while you were in Speed ​​Force?" Asked Cisco, curious.

- Nothing at all. The only thing I remember is waking up here, in the lab.

- Weird...

- A lot, but we'll just worry about it when it comes and if it's time to worry. I think it's time for me to go home, take a hot shower, eat something and spend time with Iris.

- You do that, see you tomorrow, Barry.

- See you tomorrow, Cisco.

In a matter of seconds, I was already at the door of my house and inside Iris was in the kitchen, just preparing something to eat. I went to her side and hugged her, but she seemed uncomfortable with my affectionate gesture, so I left her.

- Is everything all right? I feel like something is going on ... You know you can trust me.

- I know Barry, but it's okay ... I'm just a little tired. It was a long day, so I go inside and go to sleep.

- Okay, see you tomorrow then.

Since I was at home, I took a quick hot shower and then I sat down at the table to eat what she had prepared for me. I know it was a very busy day, but I still had no sleep, so I left the house to go for a walk and when I found myself, I was at Caitlin's door. I'm not sure why I came here, but I sat on the stairs thinking about my life.

- Barry? What are you doing sitting here at my door and at these hours? "Asked Caitlin, surprised to see me.

- What are you doing on the street at this hour?

- I went to solve some things.

- But its everything alright?

- Yes, I just went to say goodbye to my "old" workplace, since tomorrow I will start working again at STAR Labs. But you still haven't answered me, what are you doing here?

- I didn't feel like sleeping, so I came for a walk and came here.- I replied and she sat next to me.- How are you?

- Me? I'm fine ... You know these months away from everything and everyone served me to solve my life and find out who I am. When Cisco went there to ask me to help him bring you back, I knew it was time to go "home".

- And Killer Frost is more controlled?

- To tell the truth more or less. Let's say that I can now better control when and where this "side of me" came out. Sometimes it is still complicated, but I manage to control the situation. I think we are both more used to living in the same "space".

- That's nice! You know you can count on me for whatever you need. I know I wasn't very present when you "died" and that was my fault, but if you need anything, just say so.

- I know that, Barry. - Caitlin said smiling. - And how are you? It was a long day for you.

- I'm still getting back to normal.

- But ... Come on, I can see that there is something that is bothering you.

- It's Iris. I don't know if it's just me, but I think she's different with me.

- How different?

- Distant ... I had the notion that things between us would not be 100% the same after I returned, but I don't know.

- If it helps, you can make an appointment with the psychologist Ronnie and I were going to. When we had problems with our engagement, the lady always helped us to overcome them.

- Maybe it's a good idea.

- I'll take her card tomorrow and you will make an appointment later.

- Well, look at the time, I think I'm going home. - I said, getting up from the stairs. - Caitlin, this was a good time.

- See you tomorrow, Barry.- Caitlin said smiling and entering her house.

I think that's what I really needed, to have this conversation with Caitlin. One of the things I like most about her is that she knows exactly what to say at the right time to help me.

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