Chapter 23

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After saying those words, Killer Frost quickly became Caitlin, who ran to the girl's side to get a better look at her condition.

- Raplf I need a cloth ... I have to clean the blood to see the extent of the wound.

He went running to the other rooms of the house and came from the bathroom with a face towel. Caitlin wiped off most of the blood that was on her leg and arms. She let Killer Forst take control again in order to regenerate the wounds on her left arm and then went back to being Caitlin Snow.

- Her arm is already good, she needs some stitches on her head and has a little metal on the wound on her leg, so I still can't completely regenerate it here. We have to take her to the lab.

- Who are you? - asked a voice behind us. - What are you doing with her?

- We'll take her from here.

- No, you won't. She will stay here with me.- said StormThrow, launching a small storm against us.

While me, Wally and Ralf tried to fight the metahuman, Killer Frost took Regina to a corner of the room behind us and then threw ice at the feet of the metahuman, which caused him to swing and fall to the ground, ending the storm.

- Give me the girl. - said the StromThrow, looking at Killer Frost. - She has to stay here with me.

- Don't even think about it, Creep! The girl is not going to stay here with a middle-aged man.- exclaimed Killer Frost.- If you want her, you will have to pass me.

"I will".- said StromThrow, launching another storm at us, keeping us busy as he advanced on Killer Frost with a menacing look.

Before the metahuman had time to attack her, Killer Frost put a wall of ice between her and the girl and then concentrated on stopping that metahuman, from taking the girl with him. After some attacks from him and her, she formed a kind of ice knife and stuck it in his right leg, causing him to fall to the floor, moaning in pain.

"I said you weren't going to be with the girl, you didn't want to hear me," said Killer Frost, before I put on the handcuffs we brought from the lab.

While Ralf took Regina in his arms, I took the metahuman and went to put him in the STAR Labs metahuman prison and then went to the infirmary, where Caitlin was already taking care of Regina.

- Cisco give me the anesthesia.- said Caitlin and Cisco went to one of the drawers and gave her a needle, which she stuck in her leg that was not injured.- Wally in the drawer behind you have the clamps. Give me the finest please.

After having the tweezers with her, she carefully removed the piece of metal that was inside the wound on Regina's leg and allowed Killer Frost to regenerate the wound, thus leaving no scar. Then she treated the head wound, gave it some stitches and it was over.

- Well all the wounds that she had are already treated, she will now sleep a little due to anesthesia, but in a few hours she must wake up.

- Thank you guys, I don't know what I would do without your help. Now I can finally rest.

- Let me just tell you that although she has been kidnapped all this time, he took good care of her. Don't you find that strange? "Asked Caitlin.

- I think it's time we went to talk to our new prisoner. I think he owes some explanations.

We went to the saddle where he was and noticed that his leg was still bleeding, due to the injury that Killer Frost had done to him. As he still had the handcuffs, Caitlin entered the saddle and using the powers of Killer Frost regenerated his wound in an instant.

"Why did you kidnap her?" Asked Wells.

- You really don't know who I am, do you? I thought your dear sister told you after seeing that it was me who took the girl.

"What does my sister have to do with this?" Asked Wells, confused and let's say we were all too.

- I'm Regina's father.

- What? But you can't be, her father is my brother-in-law, Tom.

- That's what you all think, but that's not the truth. It is a little shameful, but I had an affair with Ambar and that case resulted in Regina. When we found out we were going to be parents, we couldn't be happier, but there were two problems with this equation: Tom, my brother and the fact that in that afternoon I became this thing, which come before you today. Let's say that I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time and that the result of that bad luck, was to have gained these powers that I never asked for. I couldn't raise a child in this state, so we decided that Ambar would not be separated from my brother and that I would stay away from the girl and the rest of the family.

- And does Tom know about this? That you are Regina's father?

- Ambar told him in the same week that she found out she was pregnant. At first I didn't mind being away from the girl, as I was still dealing with these new powers, but the time came that I wanted to be part of my daughter's life, but Tom didn't allow that to happen. I had to do something so I could spend time with her ...

"And did you think it was best to kidnap her and lock her up in a falling apart house? Wow!! What a fine choice, "exclaimed Caitlin.

- Maybe it wasn't the best idea, but it was the only one I found. My brother did everything he could to not see her all these years. How is she doing?

- Sleeping! I was taking care of her wounds and she is now resting, "replied Caitlin.

- And what will happen to me? You can't keep me here my whole life.

- It was what you deserved, but maybe there is another solution.- I said looking at Cisco.

- The antiduct? It is not ready yet...

- But it will stay. You said yourself it was almost. He can stay here until we have it ready and after taking it and checking that everything is fine, he can go back to his house.

After we clarified this matter with Félix, which was what the metahuman name, we went back to the control room, with the exception of Harry who went to the edge of his niece. Three hours later he told us that Regina had woken up, so we all went to the infirmary with them.

"Thank you for saving me," she said, looking at Caitlin.

- Don't thank me dear. As for the stitches, in a couple of weeks you can get them off, "said Caitlin, who received a hug from Wells' niece.

- I think it's time to go home. It was a pleasure to meet you Regina and a great pleasure to be able to work with you, Wells.

- Now Flash, the pleasure was all mine. You have a beautiful team here, never lose it. But I was thinking and I would really like to be able to help you more.

- Seriously? What about your family? "Asked Cisco.

- I will take my niece home and have a serious family conversation, but I would love to come back here and help you with the antidote.

"It would be an honor to have you with us, Harry," Caitlin said this time.

"Then see you tomorrow, team," said Wells, who disappeared with his niece.

It seems that starting tomorrow we will have a Wells again helping us in STAR Labs and we couldn't be happier with that.

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