Chapter 17

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I noticed how Caitlin looked after her conversation with Iris and I know that the reason she told us is not the right one. For the rest of the afternoon, she was nervous and I saw her in the distance that something was bothering her, but I chose not to discuss it, because I know she wouldn't say anything, no matter how much I insisted.

I was just leaving the laboratory when I remembered that the surveillance cameras in the laboratory record everything that happened during the day and in all the rooms, so I went back and when I got there said Mr. Richards that I had forgotten something inside and I entered.

I went to the control room and opened the computer where the copies of the cameras are stored and researched the time when Iris appeared here. After seeing and listening to the content of the conversation, I called Barry and asked him if he could come by early tomorrow morning, as I had something important to tell him. He was a little worried, but said he was coming. I told the guard that tomorrow I would come a little earlier and left.


After the call from Cisco asking me to go to STAR Labs tomorrow morning, I was worried. What happened that he can't tell me when I go there after lunch ?! After dinner, I sat on the couch watching some television and when I felt that sleep was starting to settle, I got up and went to my room.

In the morning I woke up with the alarm clock and after getting dressed and brushing my teeth, I left the house towards the laboratory. I entered and went to Cisco to the control room, where he was already there with the computer on.

- I'm already here ... Cisco what was so urgent that I had to come here in the morning? You know that I come here in the afternoon.

- I know, but what I have to show you has to be now. I don't want Caitlin to know that we've been seeing this.

Cailtin ?! But what the hell was in those images that Caitlin couldn't know that we saw? Was it something serious with her? Cisco noticed my confused face and just told me to watch it until the end.

I do not believe what Iris did and what she said ... What she said to Caitlin was very bad character and on top of that brought the subject Ronnie into the conversation and that is not fine.

- That's why I asked you to come here earlier. I thought you had every right to know what had happened.

- And you did very well ... I'm going to have to have a serious talk with Iris. She can't come here and attack Caitlin like that.

- Yes, Caitlin was very upset by the conversation. She still pretended that nothing happened, but I saw that it really affected her a lot.

- I will talk to Iris, but we will make a small pact. None of us are going to talk to Caitlin about this. She doesn't have to know that we know ... It's the best.

"I agree," said Cisco.

- Well, I'm leaving now, Caitlin is here in no time and I have to be at the CCPD in a little while. I will bring lunch and we will have lunch here.- I commented before leaving the laboratory.

Since I hadn't had breakfast yet and I still had some time, I passed Jitters and sat at a table, ordering coffee and toast. I was just finishing eating toast when Iris entered the cafe and stood in line. After she was answered, she passed my table and I grabbed her arm, causing her to stop walking.

- We need to talk.

- Now? I don't have much time because I have to go to the newspaper.

"I won't be long, I promisse" I said and she sat across from me.

- Then tell me what this conversation is for?

- Do you think what you did is correct?

- What? I don't understand you.

- The conversation with Caitlin ... Do you think what you said was correct?

- Did she already complain to you? She can't defend herrself, can she "Asked Iris irritably.

- Listen well because I'm only going to tell you this once. I don't want you to get any closer to Caitlin. You don't touch her anymore, you don't talk to her anymore and if you see her somewhere, you moved away from her and remain in your life. I find it depressing what you said yesterday ... You had nothing to bring up the subject of Ronnie.

- But ...

- But nothing ... I don't know why you went there, but I want to be very clear that I don't want you to put your feet there anymore and get away from her. You no longer have any reason to set foot in STAR Labs.

- My brother is there.

- If you want to spend time with your brother, spend it outside working hours.

- You're being very unfair to me.

- No, you are being unfair to us! If you have monkeys on your head, solve them but do not unload on people who have nothing to do with it.

- I can't believe how far this has come ...

- It just got to this point because of you ... Not because of me and certainly not Caitlin. Now, if you don't mind, I have to go to work, "I said, getting up from my table.

I arrived at the CCPD and went to Joe who was sitting at his desk. We were talking for a while but then he was called to the boss's office and I went on my way to my office.

The rest of the morning was calmer, I was doing some analysis, some reports and doing some paperwork and when the time came for me to leave, I grabbed my coat and left the CCPD towards Jitters to pick up lunch for me and for the staff. Today for lunch, I took chicken salad and hamburger with fries and rice and to drink I bought two and a half coke bottles.

When I arrived at the laboratory, it already had a table and two chairs so that we could start our lunch. We just had lunch and while Cailtin was taking the bags to the counter outside, Cisco and I were setting up the table and chairs.

After lunch, while Caitlin was taking the garbage to the containers outside, Cisco and I stayed putting the tables and chairs in place. Cisco asked me if I had already resolved the Iris matter and when I said yes, he just showed me a smile and we never talked about it again.

The early afternoon was being quiet, as we still had no disturbance alerts in the city, so we could be more rested. I've noticed that since I came back from Speed ​​Force, the attacks derived from metahumans have been decreasing, which is minimally strange but I can't complain, because that way I have more time for my life as Barry Allen, not that at this moment it is very famous.

A few months ago, I would never have spoken to Iris the way I did, but she has been abusing my patience lately and she cannot walk around threatening my friends, just because of her unreasonable jealousy. I still haven't figured out why she has the idea that I've been cheating on her, but I know there's nothing I can do to change her mind.

I looked around the control room and noticed that in the window that had had been empty, there was now a new suit, Killer Frost suit. I knew that Cisco had been working on it for some time, but I didn't know it was finished and let me tell you that it is very good. With her's own suit, Caitlin, or rather, Killer Frost was going to be a very positive and valuable aid in combat.

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