Chapter 10

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After the discussion and conversation with Barry, I decided that the best thing to do was to give up today and go home. When I got there I put my suitcase and coat on the couch and went for a quick shower.

While taking a shower I heard my cell phone ringing but as I was a little busy, I couldn't answer. I dried off, changed my clothes and when I got to the living room I saw that the person who had called me was Cisco and then I called back. He told me that after I left, Barry had gone to talk to Iris and as he left soon after, he thought things hadn't gone very well.

Then we agreed to make him a surprise. While Cisco was going to rent some DVDs, in a store that was close to the laboratory, I would go to the supermarket to get some food and then we would go together in my car to Barry's house to cheer him up.

These plans made me remember the times when Cisco came to my house, without warning, after I had discussions with Ronnie. He brought games, movies and food and we talked until three in the morning and then, as it was late for him to leave, he ended up sleeping at my house.

After our dinner, which only consisted of pizza and chips, the three of us went to the couch and ended up seeing a musical and two comedy films. We are still starting to see a horror movie, but Cisco fell asleep halfway through and we opted to turn off the television and put a blanket over him, so he can sleep more rested.

Neither Barry nor I was asleep, so we opted to go to his balcony, where we sat on the chairs, so we could talk without having the risk of waking up our best friend.

- Come on, tell me why you are so downcast.

- I don't want to upset you with my problems.

- Don't bother. Come on, tell me.

- After our conversation I went to her to ask her why she reacted that way to you and thing after thing, she ended up telling me that she thought I was cheating on her.

- What? Seriously?

- Unfortunately, yes ... I ended up saying that maybe we had better take some time to think about what we really want and how our future as a couple will be.

- If you think this is the best ... I support you.

- I think so ... None of us feels comfortable next to each other and this time can even do us good.

- Well, my soul is silly ... Barry I want you to know that I am here for what you need ... In fact, we are both.- I said looking at the figure of Cisco who slept soundly on the sofa.

- I know and thank you. You are really very good friends and I don't know what I would do without your support.

- You don't need to thank us, Barry. We know you would do the same for us.

We stayed outside for a few more minutes, but it was getting too late and sleep was beginning to hover, so we went in and went to sleep. Barry told me that I could go to sleep in the guest room, and after lending me one of his sueters and after saying good night, I lay down and fell asleep in an instant.

In the morning I woke up with someone knocking on the bedroom door and that someone was neither more nor less than Cisco. He warned me that breakfast was on the table, so I got up and joined them in the kitchen.

After breakfast, Cisco and I chose to leave, because before we went to the lab, we still had to stop by the house to change clothes. I took Cisco home quickly and went to mine to change clothes and brush my teeth before I had to go to the lab.

From what I see, I think I was the first one to arrive at STAR Labs and after the security guard let me in, I installed myself in my secreatarium waiting for my colleagues. Ten minutes later Cisco appeared and after Cisco came Barry who brought coffees.

The morning until it was quiet, that is, there were no attacks by metahumans in the city. After lunch, Joe came by to keep us company for a while, as he had the afternoon free. We took a look at the city's surveillance cameras, but nothing alarming happened.

Although today was calmer, tomorrow it would be more busy for one of us, as Barry tomorrow would resume his work at CCPD. Before we left, we all agreed to go to Jitters for coffee after dinner.

- I'm going to take advantage and I'm going to the supermarket to buy some things for home. - I said picking up my suitcase and my coat.

- But you were still there yesterday.- mentioned Cisco laughing.

- Yes, but yesterday I was on a mission ... I didn't even remember that I needed some things for myself.

- You know what, I think I'll go with you. It is usually Iris who does the shopping, but since I am going to live alone in the near future, I think it would be better to stock my pantry and cupboards.

- So let's go in my car. Cisco want to ride home?

- I thought you never ask.

We got in the car and the first stop was Cisco's house. He said goodbye to us and I waited for him to come inside the door to take off and head to the nearest supermarket. After parking, we got inside and grabbed two shopping carts and walked down the aisles.

Twenty minutes later we already had everything we needed inside the carts and moved on to the checkout section, but as there were some people, we ended up taking a while. We paid for our purchases, put my shopping bags in the trunk of the car while Barry put his bags in the back seat and we left the parking lot and headed for Barry's house.

- Thanks for the ride, Cait.- Barry said after turning off the car.

- Well, that was a pleasure.

- See you tomorrow Caitlin.

- See you tomorrow ... Barry, if you need anything, if only to speak on your cell phone, you know.

- Yes, I know.- he said entering his house and I started the car to go to mine.

When I got home, I put things in the right places, I went to wear more comfortable clothes and since there was still a little bit to go before dinner, I sat on the couch watching TV.

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