Chapter 14

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I can't believe that Cailtin is giving up this lab and this team just to make me happy. I never wanted this to happen and seeing the tears fall from her eyes, when she told me the real reason for making this decision, it killed me inside.

I had to do something to keep her from leaving, but if I know her well, I know she won't go back. I had to talk to someone and that person would have to be Joe, because he always knows what to say and always gives me the best advice.

After asking Caitlin not to leave, before saying goodbye to me, I went to the CCPD to be able to speak with Joe. When I got there, I saw him sitting at his desk and asked him to come with me to my office, so that we would be more comfortable.

I told him everything, from the discussion with Iris that day to Caitlin's decision to leave STAR Labs. At first Joe didn't even know what to say, I think he was just as confused and perplexed as I was.

- I knew there was something going on between my daughter and Caitlin but I never thought it was because of what you just told me. I fully agree that it is not fair for Caitlin to abdicate her happiness just because of my daughter's whim. And I think the best thing you can do is talk to Iris and resolve this issue.

- I never thought it would get this far. I didn't want anyone to be hurt from this situation.

- Talk to Iris and explain your decision. If she still likes you the same way she did, she'll understand.

I thought a lot about this whole situation and about the conversation with Joe. I took my cell phone and sent a message to Iris asking her to have lunch together at Jitters, so we can talk about us. I arrived at Jitters and Iris was already sitting at a table, so I went over to her and sat across from her.

- If you asked me to come to you, it was because you made a decision.

- I thought a lot about your ultimatum and decided that I will not leave Caitlin just because of your sick jealousy. It is not fair to ask me for such a thing.

- I thought you liked me better ...

- It is not a matter of liking it or not. Iris liking a person means that you trust them, even when other people don't. If you really liked me, you wouldn't ask me to choose between the two of you. In fact, Caitlin would never make me choose ...

"Of course, she had to be mentioned," said Iris, getting more and more irritated.

- It is true, she would never make me choose between you two, in fact she would choose for me ... That is like liking a person! I am not saying that she is in love with me, I just say that she likes me as a best friend. Iris I love you with all my being, but I will not let your jealousy end a friendship.

- I should have known that you would choose her ... I still thought you would change your mind, but I see that that is not the case! So, be very happy with your precise Caitlin Snow.

- What do you mean by that?

- It's all over between us! Now if you will excuse me, I will go to your house to get the rest of my things and then I will go back to my job.

I don't believe that Iris broke up with me just because I don't intend to end my friendship with Caitlin. At this moment I feel many things, I feel sad because I really liked her but most of all I feel furious because I don't understand her attitudes.

Since I was not hungry and I ended up going back to the CCPD, to complete my shift. I wanted to run to STAR Labs to tell Caitlin not to leave, but unfortunately if I wanted to keep my job here, I had to wait until it was time to leave.

When I told him, Joe was incredulous about the story and although his daughter and I broke up, he was right. The weather felt like I was walking at a snail's pace ... Finally the time had come for me to be able to leave, so I quickly packed my things and literally went to run to STAR Labs. When I got there, I saw Caitlin with a box in her arms, which contained all of her belongings that she had here.

- Cisco, it was really an honor to be able to work with you all these years. You are the best coworker a person can have and although we no longer work together, I hope we can continue to hang out many times. I promise to come visit you as often as I can, "said Caitlin and Cisco embraced her with all his strength.

- Barry ...

- Do not say anything. Caitlin you can't ....

- Let me finish or it will be more difficult than it already is. I am very happy that you have joined the STAR Labs team and I want to thank you every time you saved me. I know that I am not leaving the country and that we will see each other many times, but it is not the same anymore.

- Caitlin, let me talk ... Don't go! I know you're just leaving because of Iris's ultimatum, but you don't have to.

"What do you mean?" Asked Caitlin and Cisco at the same time.

- I went to talk to her and told her I wasn't going to choose anything.

- But Barry and your relationship? I don't want to be the cause of you getting hurt.

- And you're not ... We're just like that because she doesn't trust me ... It doesn't make sense for you to leave this lab because of me. This is your home and we don't want to lose you.

- But what about my new job? I already accepted the proposal that was made to me.

- Don't worry about that, I already had an idea to get you out of this. The question is, are you staying here? Or do you want to continue with the idea of ​​leaving?

After my question, Caitlin looked at us without saying anything. I managed to notice that she was having a kind of battle against her own, but after a few minutes, she ended up answering.

- Yes, I want to stay ...

- Good! - I exclaimed and went to hug her, along with Cisco.- I need the lab number.

She gave me the number and I called over there and pretended to be her boss and explained to them that there were some problems with the research she was doing in this lab and that we needed her help for longer. They ended up realizing our situation and told me that you were going to look for a new person for the study team that they had recently created.

- Then? How did it go? - Cisco asked anxious and worried at the same time.

- Caitlin is officially back on the STAR Labs team. In fact, it's like she never left.

- We need to celebrate ... What about going to karaoke tonight? We don't need to sing, we can just go there and listen to the people, "said Cisco, smiling.

- I'm in.

"Me too." said Caitlin, smiling and started putting her things back in place.

- Cait, I didn't thank you, but thanks for what you were doing for me.

- You do not need to thank me. I didn't want to be the cause of your anger with Iris. And now how are things between you?

- They're not ... She broke up with me! She says she can't trust me and was furious that I didn't make the decision she wanted me to make.

- How are you?

- Sad, bored and a little upset. I love her with all my heart, but being with a person who doesn't trust you doesn't work.

- Well, I understand ... I had an idea, what do you think about dinner at my place? And then we go to karaoke. I know you must want to be alone, but you will have a lot of time for that ... What you need now is to clear your head.

- I think I will accept your proposal.- I said smiling.

Caitlin is right, I will have a lot of time to think and rethink this whole situation about Iris and what I need today is to relax and try to forget this subject a little.

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