Chapter 20

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After Joe's call to warn me about the coffee break-in where Caitlin and Iris were staying, I got dressed as soon as possible and went, in Ralf's company, over there. Norvok came to the door with Caitlin in his arms and a knife stuck to her neck and when I saw her, I immediately noticed the blood that ran down her arm and my concern went up.

My luck was that he didn't expect me to take help with me, so while he was busy with me, Ralf had time to take care of Norvok's partner. Unfortunately we only managed to capture his partner. Joe came in with some detectives and took his partner to one of the police cars.

- Are you okay? What did he do to you?

I was really worried and so she barely told me she had a bullet in her shoulder, I picked her up and quickly took her to STAR Labs where Cisco was already in the infirmary room waiting for us.

With the bullet finally extracted, Caitlin could regenerate the wound in an instant with the power of Killer Frost and, theoretically, in a matter of minutes she would be ready for the rest of the work day. Ralf suggested that she go home and rest because it had been a crazy day for her and the truth is that something inside me was still worried, so I chose to tell her to stay at my house. I know well that she can defend herself, but that way my heart is more rested.

The evening was being great, however I could not get out of my head and heart the concern I had with Iris, because like Caitlin, Iris was also very scared. After considering Caitlin's proposal and going to visit her, I decided that it might not be as bad a idea as I initially thought and decided that I was really going there.

I went to get a coat from my room, I said good night to Caitlin, since when I got home, she might already be asleep and I left the house towards the West's house. When I got there, I rang the bell and Joe was the one who came to answer it, who was surprised to see me there, especially at that hour.

- Sorry to bother you, but I came to see how Iris was doing.- I said entering his house.

- We were going to start dinner now, do you want to eat something?

- No, but thanks anyway. I already had dinner.- I said and sat on a chair at the table that was free.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Iris, surprised to see me there.

- I came to see if you were well ... After all, you also had a big scare this afternoon.

- I'm fine, still a little in shock but it's okay. And how is she?

- Caitlin? Better ... She is already recovered from the shot and is sleeping.

- Is she at your house?

- Yes, I thought it was better, at least for today.

- Hmm, that's fine.

- I'm going to the kitchen to see something... Please don't kill yourselves, - said Joe, getting up from the table, leaving me alone with Iris.

- On the one hand, I'm glad you came, I wanted to talk to you.

- If Caitlin is sleeping at my house but it's not what you think. I was just worried about my friend.

- That's not it. I wanted to apologize to you.

"Apologize?" I asked, surprised by her words.

- Yes, I have had attitudes towards you these last months that are nothing like me. I let myself be dominated by my fears and the monkeys that were in my head, putting ideas that were not true ... I knew deep down that you were not capable of betraying me.

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