Chapter 21

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Two months later....

Two months have passed since the new Wells "moved" here and things have even been going well. To tell you the truth, I think we all missed having a Wells with us. When Joe met HJ Wells, he was a little confused but when we told him, he ended up understanding what this Wells was doing here and we have been trying to find his niece and the metahuman who kidnapped her since that day.

We don't know much about the metahuman who kidnapped Wells' niece, Regina. We only know the name of the metahuman, StormThrow. We don't know his real name or history, let alone the reason he kidnapped Wells' niece. Caitlin considered two options, the first is that he had a grudge against Wells' family and this abduction had been revenge and the second option was that this abduction went to the gutters and that Regina was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

While we had no news from his niece, Wells helped us with our cases, which fortunately we didn't have many, so we could concentrate more on catching Wells' Earth meta. This week we were going to have two extra persons in the lab, as both Joe and Wally were coming to help us, whatever was necessary.

Joe, this week, only worked in the morning, since, in the words of our captain, he needed a little rest and Wally had some vacation time, due to the month of the exams and in the case of Wally, he didn't he had none to do, so he could come here and help us.

Iris also came here a few times, but she never stayed long, as each time she had more work at the newspaper, moreover, she received a new position at the newspaper where she works. After that day when she apologized to me, the next day she came here and apologized to Caitlin for the things she said and the way she had treated her all those months.

But there was more news. So yes, did you know that Cisco got a new girlfriend? It's called Emma and basically, it's a female version of Cisco which is both adorable and weird at the same time. Joe is also seeing a fantastic woman named Cecile and Caitlin is also having a date with a lawyer named Justin.

From what I realized from this morning's conversation, Caitlin and Cisco yesterday had a double date and he could finally meet the famous Justin. Cisco told me that he was a very nice man and even in some ways he was similar to me, as it seems that we had the same sense of humor. Look how good, you see!

I also learned that today I could finally meet him because the lawyer was coming to pick her up for lunch. How romantic! I can tell that she is happy with the new relationship, but there is something that doesn't fit in my head. Minutes later Ralf and Harry arrived and behind them came Wally with coffees for the staff.

With lunch time approaching, it meant that in a few minutes I was finally going to meet the man who was going out with Caitlin. But before I had that pleasure, he came to Iris and invited me to lunch.

- I already agreed to go to lunch with the guys and your father, so you can come with us.- I said showing a smile and that is where I hear the voice of Caitlin and a man.

"Let me just go get my things and we can go," said Caitlin, addressing her secretary.

Along with Caitlin was a man about Ralf's age, with blue eyes and light brown hair. I will not deny and say that the man was not handsome, but it was nothing special. However, Iris did not think the same as me, because she could not take her eyes off him.

- Justin this is Barry and this is Iris, a friend of ours.- she said pointing to both of us.

- Nice to meet you, - He said, extending his hand to Iris and then to me. - I heard a lot about you, Barry.

- Seriously? I heard a lot about you too.

- I hope they were just good things.- he said smiling.

- Unfortunately.- I replied softly, so that no one would hear, but it seems that I was not very lucky because Iris looked at me with a smile.

"We are leaving, otherwise we will still lose our reservation," said Caitlin, holding Justin's hand.

- Have fun guys, - said Iris before they both left our bank.

- But not much.- I exclaimed to myself.

"I didn't think this day would come," said Iris, completely turning to me, smiling.

- What are you talking about?

- To see you jealous.

- Jealous? Me? Of course not ... Why would I be jealous?

- Do you really need me to answer that question? Because you're in love with Caitlin.

- Don't say nonsense.

- Let's have lunch? I'm already getting hungry, "said Ralf, putting himself in our midst.

"Come on," I said, leaving the edge of Iris, which only made her laugh.

- Don't think I will forget this.

Maybe Iris was right ... Maybe I'm jealous of Justin for having the opportunity to date a fantastic girl like Caitlin!

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