Chapter 27

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Two weeks later...

Two weeks have passed and luckily for me, today my CCPD vacation week begins. I mean I don't even know how I manage to be on vacation so often, but I don't complain. In the last few weeks things have calmed down a bit, that is, there have been attacks by metahumans.

This day started out just like everyone else, I got up, got dressed, had breakfast, brushed my teeth and left the house towards STAR Labs. The afternoon was just like the morning, that is, there were no attacks by metahumans ... Some may say that staying in a laboratory with nothing concrete to do is extremely boring, but I think it is fortunate not to have to fight anyone.

But tonight, unlike many nights, I already had plans. It's true, here your dear Barry Allen has a date with a woman. Yes, I already know what you are going to say ... So you said that maybe you felt something for Caitlin and you go on a date with another woman?

The answer is yes! It is true that my feelings for her are present in my life, but there is also the uncertainty that she feels the same as me, in fact she never gave any sign that she felt the same. I don't want to hurt myself again and I won't risk telling her my feelings and losing our friendship, so the best I have to do is move on.

The girl is called Vanessa and I met her at Jitters, while waiting for my coffee. I had arranged with her to go to a cafe with a terrace, which was on the edge of the shopping center. After leaving STAR Labs, I went to my house to get ready and when it was only ten minutes before the scheduled time I left the house.

When I got there, I waited at the cafe door for Vanessa to arrive and after that we sat down at a table and ordered our dinner. At first things seemed to be going well, the company was pleasant and so was the conversation, but as time went on I started to get bored.

I was no longer very comfortable at this meeting, but she also didn't help our case at all, as she always ended up talking about her ex-boyfriend. At one point, she stopped talking, looked at me and smiled and finally told me that although she was enjoying our little bit, she realized that maybe it was still too early to start the dating phase again.

She still insisted on paying her part of the dinner, but I told her that I had invited her, that is, I would pay and she ended up leaving the cafe, leaving me alone. I went inside to pay for dinner, when I saw the last person I expected to see here.

"You weren't supposed to have a date?" Cailtin asked after seeing me.

- Supposedly ... Do you want to sit down? We can have a coffee or drink something.- I said pointing to the tables that were free.

- A coffee sounds good to me.- she replied and went to one of the tables, sitting on a chair and I sat on the chair in front of her.

- Tell me there, how it went.

- At first everything was going well, but then I think we both got bored. We decided to end the meeting! And you? What are you doing here at this hour?

- Let's say my dinner didn't go well either.

"Do you want to tell me?" I asked, worried and curious at the same time.

- What happend is that whenever we arrange something, he ends up having some last minute appointment. For example today, we were halfway through the meal and he received a call and when he returned he said that he had to leave and that he would make up for it later. I understand that there are things that appear out of nowhere and that we have to solve them, but the same thing always happens when we decide to meet. I ended up freaking out and told him that this could not continue ... In short, we are done.

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