Chapter 28

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After our breakfast, we went to the lab and when Caitlin stepped outside her door, she really saw how sunny the day was.

- I look like a dracula! I can't open my eyes ... it's very sunny.- she said putting her arm in front of her eyes.

- I have a solution.- I said, handing over some sunglasses.

- You're a lifesaver ... Thanks Barry.

- I thought you already knew that ... After all we spent our whole lives saving the people of this city.

When we got to the lab and Cisco realized what was going on with Caitlin, he started to laugh so hard that Caitlin had to go out into the hall a little, due to the headache. Two minutes later she returned and this time accompanied by Harry, who was talking to her about an article in a scientific magazine.

Minutes later Wally and Ralf arrived, accompanied by Iris, who was surprised at how Caitlin was today and came to ask me what had happened. I told her that we were together yesterday and that she drank a little too much and today she has a hangover like that. Iris just laughed and looked at me with an amused air and a fearful smile.

- So you're going to go out with her and don't tell me anything? I thought we were best friends, Barry Allen.

- I was a fluke. I was on a date, but with another woman and she showed up there, after she ended the "relationship" with the lawyer without salt.

- You didn't tell me you were going on a date.

- It was nothing special, in fact she spent all night talking about her ex-boyfriend.

- Uh! That's bad!

- You tell me ... But then she left and I met Caitlin and we ended up staying there for a little while.

"And nothing happened between you?" Asked Iris curiously.

I don't even know if I tell you what Caitlin told me or not? Okay, she was drunk and maybe it's not the truth, but I can't help thinking about those three words and maybe Iris can advise me.

- Maybe ... I'll tell you but you have to promise me that you don't do scenes and that you don't tell anyone. It is a secret of those very secret!

- It's promised! You can trust me, after all I am your best friend.

- She said she loved me.- I said and she yelled a little, which made everyone in the same room with us, look at us. So that she wouldn't do any more scenes, I took her to the infirmary to continue our conversation.

- I thought you weren't going to do scenes.

- Sorry. You can't expect that after you tould me a bomb like that, that I will be quiet and silent. - Iris said smiling. - And you?

- And me what?

- What did you tell her after that?

- Nothing, she fell asleep right away. In fact I think that when she said it she was more asleep than awake.

"And you couldn't have said anything to her this morning?"

- Should I?

- Are you kidding me right? - she asked and then she saw my face. - Of course you should. She tould you that and you don't talk about it?

- But she was drunk ... Who assures me that what she said is the truth?

- And then? I have always been told that drunks always say what they are afraid to admit when they are sober.

- Oh yes? And who told you that?

- Fine ! Maybe it was me ... But it doesn't matter! I am sure that what she told you is the naked truth. You have to talk to her!

- I do not know! What if I go to talk to her and she tells me it's not true? I don't want to lose your friendship.

- Seriously Barry ... You know I adore you, but sometimes I just feel like hitting you. It's more than obvious that you two are crazy about each other and yet when she admits that she loves you, don't you want to go talk to her?

- Jesus! You don't need to speak that way.

- I wish I didn't have to. Barry, I just doesn't want you to make the mistake of not talking to her. You have an opportunity to be happy, do not waste it out of fear.

- Okay, okay .. I'll talk to her.

- Great, so I'm going to tell her that you want to talk to her and come here. You have about a minute to think about what to say.

She left my side and about two minutes later she appeared to Caitlin. In the first few seconds we were both silent, because I still didn't know what to say and what would be the best way to approach the subject.

- Is it true what you told me last night?

- I'm sorry, but you'll have to be more specific. I told you a lot of things last night.

- You said you loved me. It is true?

- Barry, I ...

- It's because I've been around a long time to tell you that I feel the same way. Hell, you can't imagine how I felt when I saw you with the lawyer ... When you were stranded in that cafe with Norvok, that's when I knew my feelings for you were more than a friendship. I was so scared by the thought of losing you, that I had to save you at all costs. Caitlin Snow, I am completely, hopelessly in love with you.

The next few seconds were vital. Her face only conveyed an emotion and it was one of confusion. I don't know if she was thinking about what to say next or what would be the best way to tell me that she didn't feel the same way and that what she had said last night was not true. I waited for her to say something, but it didn't and that meant one thing: she doesn't feel the same way.

- I already got it! I think I better go. Forget what I just said to you.- I said and left the infirmary and after the laboratory towards the park.

I was shattered! I knew there was a high chance of this happening, but I never thought it hurt so much. This was a good time to be in the park, as most people were working and the children were in schools, that is, the park was practically empty.

I ended up having lunch at the park cafe and then went for a walk by the river. Despite having no head for anything, I knew I had to go to the CCPD, otherwise they would still fire me. The afternoon until it was calm, at least for me and the time to leave quickly came.

Joe still asked me to come to his house for dinner, but I said I couldn't because I already had appointments, which is a lie, but I think it will do me good to stay home today and think about the Caitlin matter. Of course, halfway home, it started to rain.

I got home all wet, so I went to take a hot shower so I wouldn't get sick and then I sat on the couch watching what was going on on the television. I was in the land of thoughts, when suddenly I hear the bell. I got up and opened the door and that's when I saw her, all wet at my door.

"Cait?" As soon as I opened my mouth to speak, she approached me and kissed me. 

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