Chapter 5

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The truth is that after my conversation with Cisco in the lab, I went to the bar to say goodbye, but things did not go as well as I expected. Let's say I almost turned a man into an ice statue, but the man was also deserving, after the way he treated me.

I didn't expect to see Barry outside my house at that time, but I'm glad he came and that conversation did me good. I was away from my friends for a long time, although it was my choice, but I missed being with them and talking to them.

The next day I woke up with my alarm clock, got dressed and went to have breakfast, before getting in the car to go to the laboratory. Upon entering the entrance doors of STAR Labs, I felt nostalgic ... It was good, to finally be back where I belong.

- Good morning, Dr. Snow, good to see you around here at this time, - said Cisco, sitting at his desk. - I know I've said it before, but I'm really glad you're back ... STAR Labs without you, it's not the same anymore.

- Yeah, I'm happy too, - I said, sitting down at my desk.

"What is she doing here?" Asked Iris, when she saw me. - Do you think you have the right to appear here, after leaving us six months without your help? 

- She helped us when needed. If you remember correctly, she helped us bring Barry home. Unlike some people, she wanted him to come back!

"What does that mean?" Asked Barry confused, but before Cisco could say anything else, Joe intervened and took Iris out of here.

I managed to notice the face of Barry, who had been curious to know what Cisco was referring to, but knew that the best thing to do at this moment was to go after his bride.

At the moment, just me, Cisco and Wally were in STAR Labs and while Cisco was going to check on one of the weapons he was working on, I stayed watching the surveillance cameras in the company of Wally.

- Caitlin, despite what my sister said, I want you to know that we're all glad you came back.

- Thank you Wally.- I said smiling and went back to my task.

Barry and Iris returned to the lab a half hour later and Iris already seemed to be calmer. I thought it better to just concentrate on my work, otherwise I could still cause more problems with it and it was something I didn't intend to do.

At lunchtime, we all agreed to go to Jitters for lunch, but Iris canceled, since she had agreed to go to lunch with an old friend of hers, so it was just me, Cisco, Barry and Wally. When we arrived at Jitters, we sat down at a table that was free and after seeing the menu for today's meals, we ordered.

- Can I sit with you? - Joe asked pulling a chair from one of the free tables and sat down next to Cisco. - I could see that I couldn't come to lunch today.

- But is everything okay at the CCPD?

- Yes, we only have a lot of paperwork to sign, no wonder if I have to do a night out today. Cailtin, I wanted to apologize for Iris' attitude with you.

- You don't need to apologize, I kind of understand her reasons.

- No, her attitude was wrong, she shouldn't have talked to you like that.

- Excuses accepted.- I said smiling.

The rest of lunch was fun and it was like these six months had never existed. During these six months I never had a lunch hour like this, I spent all morning at home and after lunch, I went to the bar, where I stayed until eleven at night.

After lunch, me, Cisco, Wally and Barry went back to STAR Labs, while Joe went back to CCPD. Incredibly, Iris did not return to the laboratory, which was strange, because from what Cisco said, she had spent these months being the head of all this.

After finishing our hour of work in the laboratory, we packed our things and went, each one to our home. I no longer remembered spending an evening at home, sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing and I confess I missed it.

As I didn't feel like cooking, I remembered that I still had leftovers from yesterday's lunch stored in the fridge, so I went to get them and heated them up in the microwave, and then I could have dinner in front of the television.

After dinner, I put the dirty dishes in the washing machine and sat down on the sofa again. It was eleven at night and my desire for sleep had not yet arrived, so I left the house and went for a walk around the park closer to my home. When I got there, I noticed an acquaintance and sat down next to him.

- Well this is already routine ... Let me guess, no sleep?

- Not this time, I needed to think.

- Ah, do you want me to leave you alone? So that you can think better?

- No, you can stay with me.

- You know you can tell me what's going on, don't you ?!

- I had an argument with Iris, but nothing that will not be resolved. I think I needed some fresh air.

- Couples' arguments are complicated ... When I argued with Ronnie, it was also good for me to leave the house. Then when I got back, we were able to solve the problems that caused the discussion.

- I don't think I can solve this when I get home. I think we really need that psychologist .... Well, I'm going home, will you stay?

- No, I think it's time to leave, too, - I said, getting up.

- Expect me to accompany you.

The walk to my house was quiet but comfortable. It was not one of those embarrassing silences, it was one that although saying nothing, the presence of each other was sufficient. After we got to my door, we said goodbye with a hug and Barry went on his way. 

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