Chapter 6

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Although I wanted to know what the hell Cisco was trying to say, I knew that the best thing was to go to Iris. I found her talking to Joe at the door of STAR Labs and as soon as he saw me, he let us talk at will.

- What was that in there?

- I was just expressing my opinion. I don't think it's right that she came back after what she did to us.

- Iris, she didn't do anything to us.

- Sure, I knew that you were on her side, right? In fact, you two are the same.

- Equals? Why?

- You like to abandon people.

- Iris, you understand that I had to leave ... It was not an easy choice, but it was the best thing to do to save our city. And Cailtin was having a hard time, she needed to get away and think about her life. We both had more than valid reasons for leaving.

- I understand? What I understand is that you left your bride alone ... I didn't know when you wouldn't even turn around, I had to invent an excuse at the last minute to give the guests a chance to understand why we postponed the wedding. That's what I understand ...

- Iris ...

- You know what, let's go back inside, before the Flash is needed, - said Iris, returning to the room where we were previously.

I honestly cannot understand this new attitude of Iris, I know that we had to change a lot, but I had to leave. It was the right choice to make and so I managed to save the city and its inhabitants.

The rest of the day was calmer and I know that one of the reasons this was possible was because Iris was not here. When we left, I waited for everyone to leave so I could talk to Cisco alone. For whatever reason, what he said to Iris in the middle of the discussion was not out of my head and I had to know what he meant by that.

- Before you go, do you think we can talk?

- Of course, about what?

- What did you mean that Caitlin, unlike certain people, wanted me to come back?

- I don't know if this is the best time to tell you ... I said that in the heat of the moment.

- Cisco, come on, I need to know, you know I'm not going to rest until you tell me.

- Okay, while you were gone, I worked every day to find some idea to bring you back, but that seemed to bother Iris. She told me to give up on the idea of ​​bringing you back, because that was not going to happen ... But you know how I am and it was clear that giving up would not be an option. When I finally finished building the machine that allowed your arrival to happen, I went to see Caitlin, because I knew she was the ideal person to help me with that task. The truth is that after we tried, we thought that we hadn't woked out, because we didn't see you and when Iris heard about our attempt, she was extremely upset. It may have been just my impression, but it seemed that she didn't want you to come back, it was as if she no longer had hope that you were still alive.

- Thank you for telling me, Cisco.

- You're welcome, see you tomorrow, friend - said Cisco before leaving me at the door of STAR Labs, deep in my thoughts.

It really hurt me to know that she had given up on me, without even trying to bring me back. I realize that the situation was not the best, but I always thought that she, more than anyone, would do anything to get me back. I got home and saw that she was sitting on the couch watching TV, so I went to sit next to her.

- It is true?

"What?" Asked Iris, confused by my question.

- That you did nothing to bring me back ...

- Who told you that? Was it Caitlin? "she asked and I noticed a little irritation in her voice.

- It doesn't matter who it was ... Is it true or not?

- Yes!

- You were upset with me for joining Speed ​​Force and disappearing for six months but you never did anything to bring me back ?! You realize that if it weren't for Cisco and Caitlin, I would probably still be inside.

- Barry, you left ...

- I did, because it was the right thing to do. Why did you give up on me?

- Because I knew it was going to go nowhere ... I didn't want to suffer after seeing that Cisco's ideas would go nowhere, so I didn't even try.

- But they could have worked.

- Who told you this? Was it Caitlin?

- What a fixation you have for her ... Do not put her to the noise that she is not to blame for anything. What is at issue here is that you are all upset that I left you when you didn't even try to get me back.

"And don't you think that I have the right to be upset? Barry we were going to get married and we just didn't because you had to be a hero again, without thinking about how much I was going to suffer. Yes, I admit that I could have tried, but six months have passed and you were not back, it is normal that I would have lost hope."

- I don't think it's normal. Cisco didn't lose hope ... neither did Caitlin ...

- How do you know? She showed no signs of life ... If she was really worried about you, she would have shown up earlier and she didn't.

- What do you have against her? Why don't you want her to go back to the lab?

- I have my reasons that don't matter for now.

- You know what, I think I'll take a walk to think about it ... Don't forget that tomorrow we have the appointment at the psychologist.- I said leaving the house.

I ran, ran and ran and when I stopped I saw that I was in a park. I was on the bridge over the river for a while but then I decided to sit on one of the benches that were available. I noticed that someone had sat on the same bench where I was but at first I had not paid much attention to who had sat down until that person spoke.

After talking for a while with Caitlin, we decided it was time for us both to go home. I didn't feel comfortable that she was walking on the street at this hour and on top of that alone, so I told her I was going to accompany her home. Technically I know that she is not alone, in fact she is better than anyone, she can defend herself, but even so I felt calmer if I accompanied her home.

The walk from the park to her house was made in silence, but it was not that embarrassing silence, we just didn't need to say anything, as each other's company was enough. When we got to her door, I said goodbye to her with a hug and continued on my way until I reached my home.

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